Chapter 4- Artemis

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My name is Artemis now. I like it a lot better than Blake.

"So your Artemis?" Right, I forgot I was in the Alphas office. I was dragged up here by some of my 'favourite' people.

"Yes, is that a good thing?" Yet again, I'm so confused. I'm in the Alphas office and three people are giving me rude looks.

'What's going on?'

There was that voice in my head again. I better not be going insane. It definitely sounded like a female but it had a strange sound to it.

'I don't know.' I replied to the voice in my head, somehow. I must be going crazy.

'You're not going crazy.'

Well, it can here my thoughts too.

'I'm not an "it" I'm Artemis.' Now Artemis seems annoyed at me. I'm good at this game.

'So I call you Artemis and you call me Blake?' Why is everything so confusing?!

'Correct!' Uhh, this is great fun.

"Blake, are you listening to me?!" Uh oh, seems like I annoyed the Alpha now.

"Sorry sir." I started looking at my feet in disappointment. I'm a terrible person, I get distracted by my wolf and don't listen to a very important person. Then I heard the Alpha sigh and send the others out of the room.

"Take a seat Artemis." I listened to the Alpha and took a seat.

"What I was saying when you spaced out was that you are a very dangerous person and are capable of making wolves and vampires extinct." You have got to be kidding me, there's vampires as well?!

"But I don't know how to do that!" So, I'm a dangerous person who can kill my kind and vampires. What am I doing here then?!

"You will eventually, but for now while you don't know how to use your power you will train with Luna and that starts today. Also my son will watch to make sure nothing happens," This is the first time I've ever seen the Alpha being nice, normally I see him as a strict guy. The worst thing he said is that I have to train with Julia. Today! As if the day couldn't get any worse, "have you got any questions?"

Actually now that I think about, I do.

"How did you know I'm a dangerous wolf thingy ma bob?" He looked at me with a quizzical look.

"They haven't told you what we are called have they?" I shook my head. "Well, we are called Wolvens and the way I found out was that my mate was able to see what could happen in the future. You happened to be one of her nightmares. She would go on and on about you until she died. She always said 'she can either end everything or save everything' but she said she couldn't tell me anymore." He got sadder towards the end and I felt bad for asking.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Now I sounded sad.

"Don't worry about it, I have some work I have to do. Jet and Luna should be out there, I'll see you around." After he finished his sentence I got up and left.

He was right, they were both waiting outside the door. They were both giggling and laughing but when Luna saw me it stopped and she frowned. Luna was a beautiful girl, she had dark brown hair and violet eyes but it was ruined by her shortness. She stops at my shoulders.

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