Chapter 25- Forgotten Memories

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"Derricks here?! That son-of-a-" Miles said pacing around the cabin.

"You've got to calm down Miles, tell Ace to head to the car with Sam and we'll get out of here." I interrupt him before he swears. I put my hand on his shoulder and stopped him from moving.

"I'm just worried about you, I don't want him to get you and Sam, it'll break our hearts." He says grabbing my arm and pulling me into his chest.

"I'll be fine, he doesn't even want me anyway." I say wrapping my arms around his chest.

"He will if you get in the way of his plans. You don't know what he's capable of doing though do you?" He said putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Have you met him before?" I asked and he sighed

"I have and not in the best way." He sat on the seat and I kneeled I front of him, "We were best friends when we were younger and we always did everything together, but when we both turned sixteen, that's the official age that we're allowed to be alpha, he did the unthinkable and killed his own father. Of course our whole pack was upset because we had a very good relationship with there pack but unfortunately he got afraid that we would take the power away from him and with that he disappeared, he never showed himself again but he did when we found Sam." He said holding his hands in his lap and he was looking down, "And when he needs something he will kill anything that stands in his way and he won't stop until he finds what he's looking for."

"Remember those two wolves he was with? Do you know them?" I asked grabbing his hand.

"Triston, the one without the left eye is the Beta and Will is his twin, I knew them but not as well as I knew Derrick." He stood up and pulled me up with him. The Ferris wheel got to the bottom for us and we got off while two others got on.

'Have you guys heard that Derrick and his friends are here?' I mind linked Sam to make sure she knew about them.

'Yes we have, we're waiting at the car for you guys. Please hurry.' Sam mind linked back to me and I could hear how worried she was.

We are walking back to the car when people started screaming and running from something. People were spreading out and that's when I saw Derrick standing between two black wolves and one of them had no left eye.

"We need to get back to the car now!" Miles said pushing me in the direction of the car but I stopped when I heard a little girl crying.

"Miles, there's a kid somewhere and they're crying." I stopped and looked up at him, he was still running when he heard me speak.

"We can't stop Blake, we have to keep going." He said running back towards me and pulling my arm for me to go with him.

"I'm not leaving this kid alone." I said running in the opposite direction from him and towards the screaming child. I don't know if he's following me but I hope he's at least gone to check on the others

I'm not a fan of kids so this is totally out of my nature but this child is in trouble and I'm going to help it. I took my dagger out and held it close to me just in case something jumped at me.

"You are sooo in trouble when we get back to the house." Miles was at my side with his dagger out. The child was in front of us sitting next to her mother I'm guessing who just so happened to have her head facing an unnatural way and a bite mark on stomach.

"Grab the kid Miles, I'll watch our backs." He did as I told him and he nearly grabbed the kid but a wolf pounced out of nowhere and pinned him by his shoulders.

"Miles!" I screamed, I grabbed the kid and put her into a little shop.

"Stay here ok, we'll make sure you stay safe ok?" I move a piece of hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. She nods and I run back over to Miles.

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