Chapter 33- It's Real

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I pushed Miles to the side and closed my eyes, waiting for Triston to attack me, I waited for the excruciating pain of his wolf to bite my stomach, I waited and waited for it to happen but it didn't.

I opened my eyes and looked at what stopped the bite from happening and I was frozen.

"No no no no!" I screamed as I ran over to Lily. She was the one who stopped Triston's bite from reaching me. Her stomach was covered in blood and had bite mark covering her stomach. My eyes started to become cloudy from tears forming in them as I ran over to her and leaned over her body. I could see Phoenix running over here through the corner of my eye and he quickly sat in front of Lily's body.

"Who's the jerk that bit my mate?!" Phoenix yelled as he looked over at Will and then to Triston who was still in wolf form with blood covering his mouth.

"I-It was Triston." I stuttered and got up, I looked at Triston who shifted back into his human form and he had a smirk on his face.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that to happen." Triston said as he wiped his mouth getting rid of the blood covering it.

"You're a monster!" I yelled at Triston, who's smirk got bigger.

"We all are sweetie." He replied and chuckled a bit.

"You'll pay for this!" Phoenix screamed and picked up Lily's body, but his legs gave out and he fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry Phoenix..." Lily whispered and Phoenix quickly wrapped his arms around her body, her breathe was becoming shorter and shorter by the second.

"Don't be, it wasn't your fault." He cried into her shoulder. It's sad watching them, one because Phoenix is Lily's mate and that would break my heart if I was in the position with Miles. The second reason is Lily's my sister, I lost her once and I'm about to lose her again; for the rest of my life.

"Lily." Phoenix said quietly.

"Promise me you will fight those monster, promise me you will make sure my sister is safe and promise me you won't die just so you can be with me." Lily whispered, her breath becoming short and slow.

"I promise but I will fight those monsters even if I die." Phoenix cried and kissed Lily's forehead.

"Goodbye Phoenix, I loved you and I always will love you." That was Lily's last breathe, she's gone and I'll never find her again. It's real, this time, it's real.

"I should've been the one to get bitten." I murmured and Miles quickly hugged me. I should be sad and angry but I felt emotionless, I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. No tears were rushing down my face even though I feel like as soon as I do start crying I won't be able to stop.

"No, she did it because she wanted you to live. She wouldn't have done it otherwise." Miles whispered, he hugged me tighter and kissed my forehead.

"What a performance, I've never seen anything like this before." Derrick pretended to cry as he spoke and clapped his hands.

"Cut the crap Derrick!" Phoenix yelled, he let go of Lily's now lifeless body and walked over to Derrick. Phoenix lifted his arm back, ready to punch him in the face but Derrick kicked Phoenix and he fell to the ground.

"Enough!" Derricks voice boomed through the area were we are standing in, "We came here for two people and you can't give them to us! We only want Sam and Blake, that's it and as soon as we get them we will leave!" He shouted again only this time everyone around us stopped moving.

Sam and Ace appeared at my side when they heard Derricks loud voice, both of them had some cuts and bruises. Sam was looking around the area and her eyes stopped when she saw Lily's lifeless body on the ground, she gasped but covered her mouth.

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