There's a problem (*His P.O.V)

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This is part 2

Sal: Four hours. It's  been four hours since I got here and (Y/N) is still not out of surgery. The guys all fell asleep and I was drifting off a bit myself when finally, the doctor came out. "Are you Mr. Vulcano?" He asked as I got up out of my chair. "Yes that's me. How is she? Can I see her?" I said still concerned about (Y/N). By this pount the boys woke up to the sound of me and the doctor talking. "She's okay. (Y/N) broke her leg and a couple off ribs. But she also hit her head pretty hard on the dashboard, so while your in there make sure she doesn't fall asleep. We want to run a couple more test on her to make sure she doesn't fall into a coma." He explains. "What room is she in?" Q asked. "She's in room 309. But only Mr. Vulcano at this time." The doctor said before leaving the waiting room. I turned to the guys and they gave me an approving nod to go see my wife. I headed to the third floor of the hospital and found her room with ease. As I entered I noticed (Y/N)s leg propped up in a pure white cast. "(Y/N)." I said, rushing to her side. "Hey Sal." Her voice was muffled and groggy as she spoke. I kissed her forehead and sighed, "I'm so glad that your okay. I thought..." (Y/N) interrupted me with a quick peck on the lips, "I'm fine. I would never leave you in a million years." She said as if she knew exactly what I was thinking. I pressed my forehead against hers, thanking God that the love of my life was still by my side.

Joe: The ambulance came about twelve minutes later and took (Y/N) to the emergency room. As I sat there in the back of the van, holding onto my girlfriends hand, I watched as the paramedics checked to make sure that she was still breathing. Once we arrived at the hospital I was forced to sit in the waiting room. I ran my hands through my short hair, worry taking over. "She's gonna be fine." I told myself, tears threating to spill. When the doctor came out I rushed over to her. "How is she Doc?" I asked and she smiled. "Your girlfriend's okay. A bit of head trauma but nevertheless she'll be perfectly fine. We just want to keep her here overnight so we can run a few test." She said, motioning for me to walk with her down the hall. Entering (Y/N)s room, I was greeted by her beautiful bright smile. "I'll leave you two alone." The doctor said before closing the door behind her. "How you feeling?" I asked, sitting down on the chair that was placed next to her bed. "My head hurts like a bitch but other than that I'm just peachy." (Y/N) said with a small smile. I smiled, glad to see that she was okay. "You almost gave me a heart attack." I told her. "I'm sorry. I was just trying to help." "It's not your fault. If I had just gotten to you in time then maybe this wouldn't have happen." I looked down at the floor. "Joe look at me." (Y/N)s sweet voice tells me. I obliged, blue oribs staring into (Y/C/E) ones. "This isn't your fault either. Joe you were just trying to protect me and I love you for that. Don't blame yourself." (Y/N) opens up her arms, signaling me to come over to her. I layed down beside her and we cuddled up against each other, falling into a deep and peaceful sleep.

Brian: I couldn't wrap my head around it. I was only focused on one thing and one thing only. (Y/N). Its been over an hour and neither the doctor or any of the nurses has updated me on either my wife or my son. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I sat in the waiting room with my family and friends.  They all saw the concern I held for (Y/N). Truth be told I was scared. Scared that I lost the love of my life. The only woman in this world who is worth living for. I couldn't bare another moment not being by her side. "Is there a Mr. Quinn here?" A female voice asked. Turning around I noticed the doctor right away. "That's me." I told her. "Your wife had a bit of a problem when she was giving birth to your son. (Y/N) is perfectly okay, but she lost a lot of blood in there. So when you go into see her she might be a bit tired." The doctor informed me. I sighed with relief. "What about my son? Where is he?" I asked. "He's with the other nurses, getting cleaned up. You'll be able to see him real soon." She smiled at me and told me to head over to room 104. As I approached (Y/N)s room I saw the most precious sight in the world. (Y/N) was holding our son in her arms, smiling down at him. I couldn't be more happier than I was right then. I knocked lightly on the door. (Y/N) looked at me then back down at the baby, "There's your daddy." She whispered. "How are you feeling?" I asked her. "A bit tired." She replied. A lone tear slid down my eye and (Y/N) seemed to notice, "What's wrong?" "I thought I wouldn't be able to see you ever again." "Brian. I know what happened scared you. Christ it scared me too, but you can't get rid of me that easily. I love you and I plan on being there for you and for this baby for the rest of my life." I pressed my lips against hers and smiled. I finally had a perfect little family of my own

James:  I rushed straight to the hospital, parking my car in the handy cap space. I didn't care if I got my car towed. At this point I'm just hoping that my little girl's okay. I ran straight towards the emergency room and found my wife talking to some nurse.  Making my way over to them I immediately asked how Janice was doing. "She'll be in surgery for an hour more or so." (Y/N) said in a low voice. I wrapped my arms around her and she buried her face in the crook of my neck. "Everything's going to be okay. This procedure happens all the time." I cooed, trying to calm (Y/N) down as best as I could. "I know. But I just can't help but worry about her." She said, still wrapped in my arms. We sat in the waiting room for over an hour before the doctor stepped out. My wife and I shot up out of our seats, "How is she?" I asked. "Your daughter's fine. Your lucky we caught it just in time. Janice is in room 207. You both can see her now." He said with a small smile. I sighed in relief as (Y/N) and I made our way down the hall and torwards Janices room. As we entered we were immediately greeted by a smiling Janice. "Hi mom. Hi dad." She said in a tiresome voice. "Hey baby, you feeling okay?" I said, rubbing her head. "Yeah. Just tired." Was all she said before shutting her (Y/C/E) eyes and falling into a deep slumber. I looked at (Y/N), who was smiling at our daughter, just glad that everything was okay.

Hey guys guess what? I'm not dead!!! Sorry for not updating as much; I'm inbetween a couple of books. If you would please check them out. I'm going to try and update ASAP. Again I'm so sorry.

- Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark

- Love Is Sacrifice (on another account that I share with a fellow wattpad user her user name is PiaMiaLover270 and please follow us xbostickloversx)

Hope you guys liked it!
Stay classy my little demonators💚💚

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