Break-up/Make-up (James)

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Song: 'Don't Speak' by No Doubt

Lyrics: "Don't speak. I know what you're thinking. I don't need your reasons. Don't tell me cause it hurts."


"Babe! You here?" I yelled, entering the front door of James's apartment. He gave me a key on our one year anniversary, saying that I could make myself at home whenever I wanted. So you can say that things were getting pretty serious between us. "In the kitchen." My boyfriend answered.

Entering the kitchen I saw James sitting down at the brown table, sipping on a cup of black coffee. "Hey." I greeted him with a kiss. "Why did you call me over?" I asked, sitting next to him. "I just wanted to talk to you about something." He told me, rather seriously. "Oh, okay. What about?" I watched as he took in a deep breath. "(Y/N)...I think we should take a break." "A break? A break from what?" I asked a bit confused. "Well a break from each other. Now don't get me wrong, I don't want to do this to date other people. It's just...this relationship is getting pretty serious and I just want to ponder on the idea if I really want it."

I looked at him, trying my best to process the information he has just given me.

"So your breaking up with me?" I asked. "No it's just a small break babe." He answered. "A break is just an easier term for a break up." I argued. "(Y/N) I love you." "No, because if you did you wouldn't be breaking up with me and you sure as hell wouldn't be questioning our relationship." "I just want to make sure it's what I want right now. I mean my life is already crazy enough as it is, I'm heading to London in a couple of days. The show is taking up most of my time. I don't even know what to do anymore."

Silence filled the room.

"Well I know I'm gonna do." I spoke. Getting up from my chair, I took out my spare key and place it on the table in front of him. "Bye James."

And with a broken heart I left. Hoping that one day he'll come to his senses.


I turned on the television and sat down on the couch. James and the rest of the jokers left to London yesterday morning. He tried calling, but I didn't bother answering.

He didn't want to be in a relationship anymore, so why should I bother with his lame excuses?

Flipping through the channels I eventually landed on an old episode of 'Friends'. It was the one where Chad and Monica actually got together. As I was laughing, letting my mind drift away from the thought of James S. Murray, my phone rang.

Joe's name flashed across the screen. I debated whether or not to answer it. I decided I would, just to hear what he had to say. "What's up Joey?" I greeted playfully. Even though I felt like shit, I figured it's the best thing to do right now. "Hey (Y/N), you seem pretty chipper. How are you?" He asked with some concern. "Nothing much. I have the day off work so I'm just chilling, watching 'Friends'." "No, I mean how are you about the whole 'break' thing with Murr?" I sighed, "It is what it is. I have nothing to say about it." "Come on (Y/N). You can tell me anything." "Again, I have nothing to say. James knows what he wants and apparently it's not a relationship. So why should I even bother with him?" My eyes begin to water. I couldn't imagine my life without James. He meant the world to me and he still does.

"(Y/N) I know you still love him." I didn't answer. "Would it make you feel better if I told you that he still loves and misses you too. That he's been baling like a little baby inside the bathroom. Look I know how Murr can be, but I also know that no matter what he will always love you."

I didn't know what to say. Joe had always been a close friend, even before I had met James. "I have to go. (Y/F/N) is coming over for dinner and (he/she) wants spaghetti so I gotta get started." I lied. I heard Joe mutter something, is someone else there with him? I thought. I was gonna ask but was interrupted by Joe's voice, "Alright but at least call him back." "I can't promise you anything." I told him with honesty.

Once we said our goodbyes I curled up into a ball and started to cry.

* Time skip brought to you by James Murry the centaur.

One week later

Again I found myself sitting on the couch watching the same old show. Somehow not even Netflix could fill the missing hole in my heart. I missed James more than anyone could know. I felt like I was drowning and nobody could save me.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I groaned, getting up from my small pity party.  "Why couldn't I have a love like Chad and Monica?" I said to myself as I opened the front door.

My heart stopped, there he stood. With a big goofy grin and a bouquet of my favorite flowers. "James what are you doing here?" I asked, crossing my arms. "(Y/N) I just came to tell you that I am ready. I don't care about anything but you. I'm sorry that I hurt you. And I know you deserve better than that. I was a stupid idiot who only thought of himself. Let me make it up to you, please. I love you (Y/N) and I will never let you go." I smiled at the man before me, "James I love you too, but are you sure that your ready to continue this relationship?" I asked. "I've never been so sure in my life."

I couldn't help but jump into his arms, giving him a long passionate kiss. Once we broke I looked deep into his eyes, "Can I get the key to your apartment back?"

Finally the break-up/make-up preferences are done!! I hope you guys enjoyed them all! Please stay tune for more. And for all you Joe lovers out there I'm writting a JoeXReader imagine!! I love you all!!💚💚

Stay classy San Diego
-XXX Cynthia

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