You have a kid(s) from a previous relationship

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Sal: You had a set of twins. Two girls, Lydia and Rebecca, who are both eight years old. You had them before Sal came into your life. You went out with your friends and met some guy named Blake. He was a tall and handsome bad boy. The type of men you would usually fall for. He took you home and you guys had sex. The next day you woke up naked and alone. You normally wouldn't care, due to the fact that you had your fair shares of one night stands. But this particular one night stand left you with two beautiful baby girls. When Sal had came into your life he didn't mind that you were a single mother. Plus he had some child experience with his two nieces, so the fact that you had two girls didn't bother him in the slightest. The girls adored him and seeing the three most important people in your life getting along made you even happier than you already were.

Joe: You were actually pregnant when you started dating Joe. He knew this because you wanted to lay everything out in the open on your very first date. You told him the story of how your ex didn't take the news very well. That he had knocked you up and when you told him that you were pregnant, your ex convinced himself that you cheated on him, so he left you. You also told him that you understood if he wanted to leave. But Joe being the sweetheart he is, never left your side. Instead he helped you through everything. From the morning sickness to the midnight craving, Joe was there. He even went to the doctor appointments with you. You kept telling him that he didn't have to any of this because he had work, his own life to live, but he told you that he was going to be there not only for you but for your unborn child. In that moment you knew that you truly loved this man.

Brian: You have only one child. A boy named Scott who's thirteen years old. You had him when you were twenty, due to your ex fiancé. Yes you were engaged once, but after a while you both agreed to just stay friends because you didn't love each other in that way anymore. So your relationship with your ex was indeed a heathy one. When Brian came into your life, at first he was pretty skeptical about dating a single mother. He was awkward when it came to kids and he was also afraid, what would happen if Scott didn't like him? How would that effect your relationship? The moment Brian stepped through the door of your house to meet your son, all his worst fears had faded. When he saw the (Y/H/C) boy sitting on the couch reading comic books, Brian immediately knew that they were gonna get along just fine. At the end of the night, when you were in the kitchen cleaning up. Scott had taken Brian into his room and showed him his comic book collection. When you walked into the room and saw them discussing about each different superhero, you couldn't help but think about how lucky you were to have the both of them.

James: You had a total of four children. Three girls, Maxine who was 21, Alison who was 19, Maggie who was 13, and one boy, Richard who was 14. You were married before you had even met James. You ended up getting a divorce because your ex husband found someone "better" and by "better" you mean younger. You were also a teen mom, having your first child at the age of sixteen. James didn't care about the amount of children you had or whose kids they were. At first your eldest didn't like him, she thought that he was a bit to stuck up. But over time she realized that James was more of a father figure to the rest of the family than their actual father would ever be. Taking on chores and even the school car pool when you didn't have enough time to do it. He loved and cared for your family, which made you fall even more in love with him than you already were.

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