Dating him would include (Sal)

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Passionate kisses

Warm hugs

Pinky hand holding

Lots of cuddling

Surprise dates

Lazy days

Staying home from work because he wants to spend time with you.

The guys treating you like a sister

Funny photos


Him taking care of you when your sick, despite his phobia

Tiny arguments

Him being sassy

Gentle sex

Forcing him into watching romance movies

You understanding that he wants to keep his private life private.

Making fun of his Jaden Smith Tattoo

Him getting mad that the guys use you in a dare or punishment.

Going on tour with him and the guys

• Him hugging you from behind

Stealing his glasses

Him getting mad that you left your finger prints on his glasses.

Cleaning together

Sleeping in his plaid shirts

Him making you feel like a princess

Him secretly loving it when you call him Sally

Loving each other no matter what happens

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