There's a problem (His P.O.V)

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This will be a two part story!

Sal: "Where could she be?" I thought to myself as I sat on the sofa in the living room. My knees started to shake as I couldn't help but let the fear of something horrible settle in. (Y/N) went out for a girls night with her best friend, but they were suppose to be here three hours ago, so where could she be at this time of night? About fifteen minutes had passed when I got a house call from some doctor at the Lakeview Hospital. "Hello is this a Mr. Sal Vulcano?" He askes with a firm and yet sympathetic tone. "Yes this is he." I replied,my heartbeat fastened. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this so late, but your wife and her friend were in a terrible car accident." I dropped the phone and ran straight for the front door, grabbing my car keys in the process. When I had arrived at the hospital I asked the nurse who was sitting at the counter the whereabouts of my wife. "She's currently in the middle of surgery and I don't think she'll be out anytime soon." She said with a sad look upon her face that told me she was sorry. I sat down in the waiting room and called up the guys. They said that they'd be there as soon as they could. As I sat there the worst possible scenario had ran through my mind. "What if she dies on me? Then what would I do?" The thought of losing her would be unbearable. Q was the first to arrive. Sitting down next to me he placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Hey buddy." He greeted. "Hey Q." I replied, knees nervously shaking. "Joe and Murr will be here in five. How is everything?" "(Y/N)'s in surgery right now. One of the nurses came out a few moments ago and told me that she and
(Y/F/N) are gonna be okay." I let out a deep and ragged breath. "Don't worry about it Sal. You'll be able to see her soon." I nodded my head in agreement, even though on the inside I was crying.

Joe: I woke up to the sound of something crashing against the floor. My girlfriend, who was still asleep, rolled herself over and placed her hand across my waist. I carefully moved it, trying not to wake her. I got up from the bed, grabbed the metal bat from the closet and made my way downstairs. I took each step with caution and as I scaned the living room I noticed to men dresses in black hovering over the television set. "Joe?" (Y/N) called out from the top of the stair case. I stopped dead in my tracks as the two burglars looked at me and then the bat. "(Y/N) get back upstairs now!" I yelled as the men tried to run out the front door. (Y/N) however didn't listen to me and came down to watch the scene unfold. I was able to block the front door, so the men began to head for the back. (Y/N) tried her best to stop them from leaving but one of the men grabbed her by her hair and smashed her face against the wall, knocking her unconscious. I ran to her, not caring about the two burglars. I checked her pulse and found that she was still breathing. I quickly called 911 and told them everything. They said that an ambulance would be on the way. So I held her in my arms until help finally came.

Brian: I couldn't stop smiling as I held that little bundle of joy in my arms. Finally after nine months (Y/N) and I had a wonderful and healthy baby boy. I looked at my wife, who was giving me a lazy smile, and thought about how lucky I was. "You did it babygirl." I told her, placing a light kiss on her head. She was about to open her mouth to say something when all of a sudden her heart rate began to go down. (Y/N)'s eyes began to shut as the doctor and nurses rushed into her room. One of them took the baby from my hands as they pushed me out of the room. "Hey!" I yelled, fear starting to kick in. "What's going on?!?!" The nurse who took the baby came out to try and calm me down, "Sir please. We need you to wait over in the waiting room. The doctor is trying to do everything she can. Your wife lost a lot of blood in there and we're trying to get her back to her conscious state." As soon as those words left his mouth my heart dropped. The love of my life is in that room possibly dying. I walked into the waiting room only to see my parents,
(Y/N) parents, the guys, and
(Y/F/N). "Hey how's the new daddy?" Joe joked, but I didn't laugh. Everyone noticed my sad state and asked what was wrong. Once I told them Joe came over to me, "It's gonna be alright Q.
(Y/N)'s strong, she'll be fine." I looked at my best friend, "I can't lose her Joe. I don't know what I'll do. I mean I don't know how to rasie a kid." "No matter what happens, will always be by your side." I sat down on a chair and ran my hand through my hair, hoping that everything will turn out alright.

James: "Joe. Walk up to that man and whisper, 'Big butts taste like toothpaste' in his ear." I told my friend. We were filming another challenge and we were having fun doing it. I laughed when Joe actually said it, earning him one weird look as well as the win. We were in the middle of Sal's turn when I got a phone call from my wife, (Y/N). "Hey baby." I greeted. "James you need to get to the hospital now!" She said, panic written in her voice as she spoke. "What? What happened? Is everything alright?" I asked as I walked further away from the t.v cameras. "No, it's Janice. Her appendix burst. The teacher called me on my lunch break. I need you to get down here before she goes in for surgery." "Okay, okay. I'm on my way." I tell her before hanging up the phone. I told the guys that I needed to lrave so I could be with my wife and daughter. They of course understood and told me that they'd be there once they wrte done filming. I ran to my car and left straight for the hospital.

I'm so sorry that James is shorter than the rest of the guys. I just didn't have any ideas left over. But I hope you guys liked it!💚💚

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