Dating him would include (Joe)

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Lots of laughter

Lots of baking

Him nosing you when you least expect it

Not caring about PDA

Rubbing his belly

Hanging out with the guys

Long passionate kisses

Him wanting to name your child Larry (If it's a boy)

Sweet passionate sex

Few to no arguments

Going out to eat at 'your spot' at least twice a week

Not being afraid to show your true self

Calling him while he's on tour

Dancing with him

Wearing his sweats to bed

• Lots of hand holding

Him not getting mad when the boys use you in a punishment or dare

• Taking your dogs out for a walk

The boys making fun of you two

Him thinking that your the only girl in the world for him

Kissing his nose

Cuddling and watching movies together in bed

Being the couple that everyone is jealous of

Him making sure that you know that he loves you each and every day

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