Family Reunion

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Chapter 35

Alisha POV

I may live but I may die in this place, with no one I care. I'll die alone, in this horrible room, filled with my own blood. It is now the day. The people here were all in chaos. They were all so busy rustling around the hallways as I've heard.

The door burst open so loud it hurts my ears but I don't care. All I care were about my friends of how they loved me through hell and back, through our darkest days in our lives, through the brightest and happiest days we've had as a gang full of crazy werewolves, I care about my father who were so old and fat if I've ever met him once more, in a dream I'll say "Get up and work out." He will definitely crack up, I care about my future pack on how would they were to be if I were never to be gone. Would they be happy that I was there Luna? And lastly, I cared about my mate. How is he? Is he eating and sleeping properly? I hope so because if not I would lecture him and be mad when I've got the chance to see him once and for all. How would our future end up? Would we be happy? Would we have a perfect family? Would Andrew love and adore our children if we ever have one?

Sometimes, just thinking these things made me cry, I love them all but life just have to take them away from me. What had I've done to make my life worst than hell itself? Sure I have killed people in the past but it was for the good. What have I've done bad that I deserve a punishment so cruel like this?

Maybe because life itself regretted that I was born in this world.

They stopped dragging me as they came in front of all the soldiers of my mother. My bitch of a sister was on her side looking so horrible that it would make even the toughest and bravest man squeal like a girl and run away to the hills and bury himself alive.

I watched tiredly as they locked me up in some sick contraption, it looks like an arch that has two chains that is where supposed my wrist should be chained up letting them give the full view of my situation. In any second, my shoulders would give up and eventually it would be separated from my body.

I stared at them lifelessly. I took all of their ugly faces as they looked at me amused. They knew that their greatest enemy had fallen. I don't know where they were heading but I feel like something big is going to happen, something bad or yet worse.

"Silence," Deborah boomed throughout the place as everybody became silent. None of which spoke a word which I doubt they would disobey the bitch that is currently besides me.

"We have waited for far too long my fellow followers," she started "but as today we will fight for what is ours! We will fight with vengeance. The day has come for the darkness will rise once more and overthrow the goodness of what is left in this world."

What a corny old speech.

I thought as I cold gushed of wind blew by causing me to shiver.

"Let us be off!"

It has seemed to be a long travel but as we came to our destination, it was a huge clearing surrounded by nothing but dead creepy trees. The sky was painted with an array of black and grey, I couldn't see the sun hence the thick clouds were blocking the way.

It was a dark and cold day but it's better than the place, Kelna. It was much darker than this place and the air is more breathable here. I wonder if we have return to the real world.

All stopped at a heartbeat, the marching of the armies had stopped moving and the air is covered with thick tension. But as soon as my head lift up, my whole body trembles and I couldn't believe I have still tears left in my eyes.

Andrew POV

I'll bring you back Alisha. I swear an oath I'll bring you back, where you belong.

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