I was so Close but not close enough

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Chapter 14

Alisha  POV

Alisha's Dream

"Help!" My eyes burst open at the voice I look everywhere but I see that I was in the middle of the forest. Wait what the hell I'm doing here? I lift my  feet up but failed, I look down to see my feet were chained by thick silver chains but I think I can still move only it would be hard. 

"Help!" There it is again. That voice is rather familiar. I force to lift my foot but damn these chains were f*cking heavy. I took a deep breath and lift my other foot again and again and again and again. 

"Help!" The voice becomes clearer and clearer as I remembered every trade marks to where I have been standing to where I was now heading. The trees are rather familiar in my opinion but it's getting creepier every move I took. 

"Help!" The voice becomes louder causing me to force my pace to go faster and follow the voice but I suddenly stop myself and closed my eyes. Something or someone was watching me from a far I can feel it. 

"Help!" I open my eyes again only to see the chains were gone and with that I run and run. Following my instincts to were it would lead me. 

"Help!" The voice becomes louder and clearer until I figured out who owns the voice. Hannah. Adrenaline rushes through my veins as I force my pace to go faster and faster. My bare feet collided against the forest floor causing sharp pebbles and twigs pierce through my feet but I didn't care. 

"Help!" and suddenly the whole thing vanishes. 

I was so close but not close enough. 

But right before everything vanish. I saw something. A cabin. 


My eyes opens but I couldn't see anything. I closed them again and opened it and saw I was in the middle of the road. 

I stand up and dusted myself, I notice that I was wearing a black shirt and leggings and again I'm bare footed.My hair is it a neat high ponytail but it has some twigs and dried leaves in it. What the hell did I do with my hair?

I look around and frowned. The whole town is deserted not a person in sight and the town is awfully quiet, it looks like the town has been abandoned for years seeing the paints of the buildings are peeling of and dirty. The windows were shattered broken and it looks freakishly dull and creepy. 

A gushed of wind passed by causing shivers go down to my spine. 

I started to walk to the never endless road. Every step I took I felt a sting on my foot but when I look at it my feet were fine, I think.

"Help!" My head perks up and look around to just see nobody. I swear I heard something, something awfully familiar. My pace suddenly becomes faster and faster until I was now sprinting. Every where I look I see a flash of white but it will suddenly disappear. 

Right about I was a few meters away from the end of the towns road I saw something. A figure. 

My eyes narrow until it was a girl. I took a few step until I was fast walking and stop when she took a step back. I was close more than five meters away from her until she was pulled in the forest. 

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