The Truth behind the Secrets unfold || Part I

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Here in this chapter it will just be the history of Alisha and her friends kinds. Yeah they are what they are but their is more to their werewolf kind. 

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Chapter 23

Andrew POV

Limping as we all head towards the pack house after we visit the pack hospital, I just received a stab on the side with a silver dagger, multiple minor wounds that will heal in about few hours, a broken rib or two, got hit with a silver bullet and claw marks on my back. Yeah that's just it.

No, none of us died. My men just been seriously injured but they said they will heal in a few days or week and I'm thankful for that.

I entered the pack house and just to be greeted by everyone, I just nod my head and turn my direction to go upstairs. Once I sat down on my chair the door burst open revealing Hunter and James. Hunter and James are both fine with just a few bruises and claw marks but all in all have recovered fast.

"Did you know what just happened the other night?" James said with a fazed look as he sit down as well as Hunter in front of me. "I think my mind is playing me." James muttered under his breath but we shook our heads.

"H-How could that be?" I shrug feeling a lot of emotions circling around my mind as I recall what just happened the other night. None of us said a word after the fight. We are all to shock to move.

"Where are they doing now?" I ask.

"Well they have been taking care of our pack the whole day. And they said that we need to rest so they took over the pack rounds." I nod my head. I still couldn't get the fact that she's one of us, they're one of us.

My wolf feels happy at this but also hurt and angry as to why they kept this from us. Did they also know that we're werewolves too?

Suddenly the door burst open cutting us out of our thoughts to reality, there stood Alisha looking tired. "Andrew, we have a problem."


"No, he was here at the east boarder. He knew something was there but he was shot with a silver bullet that was filled with the second rare wolfsbane in it but when he woke up he just saw the poor child hanging on its neck at that tree."

I follow to where Alisha was pointing and that made my eye wide. We can hear the mother's loud cries as we come closer. The blood dripping from his now bare stomach, heck you can't even call it a stomach because of the child's intestine ripped out and from the looks of it they snap his neck before ripping him to pieces.

"I'm going to rip those scumbags when I see one."

I glance to my side to see Alisha's fist clench, gritting her teeth as her eyes darken. I couldn't believe it, Alisha was a werewolf all along. But how? I know her scent was human.

My hands automatically grab hers to calm her down. She took a few deep breaths after a few times she opened her beautiful eyes but I kept a serious look that made her tilt her head. "What?"

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