A Misunderstood Mistake

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Chapter 34

Alisha POV

"Hey wake up!" I shook my head ever so slightly and moaned when the pain that I'm feeling when I breathe worsen. I don't know about you but I think all of my bones are broken. Seriously.

But then again, the voice is so familiar. Like I have heard it before. It's at the tip of my tongue but I can't just put a finger to it. I shrug, internally maybe from hunger and also maybe because I am currently a dying human I'm just hallucinating or I'm just dreaming. 

I shivered when a cold breeze when by, this room isn't even helping my poor filthy situation because they have put me into a new room where it's cold as the North pole!

This thin blanket isn't any help either. 

I was relieved that there weren't any rough beatings yesterday just a few slap and punch here. But they still give me food that has drugs that weakens me in it. I just took a few spoonful of food until I'm not hungry anymore. I was thinner than ever. It has been months since I have been here and I'm slowly losing hope of making out of here.

There was one time when I have decided to escape since I was the only one prisoner here. The two others were sent out to god knows where. I don't know if they're alive or having the life as a rouge or worst, maybe they're asleep forever. 

It was just a week ago when I discovered there was a tunnel under this very place that leads to the open world. The entrance was located at the right corner of the city walls. It was near to the piles of created filled with bloody flesh of humans and animals. 

Don't even get me started on how the hell I find out.

"Bitch I said wake up!" I groan and curled up further. I have been tired almost every day. I was weaker than ever. I couldn't even lift a finger for days now. I have problems of breathing. My bones were sticking out, I'm malnourished. I look dead. Literally.

I am now unrecognizable.

"Wake up! You are not Sleeping fucking beauty now get the hell up!" I decided to open slowly my eyelids. I squinted a little bit when my eyes met with the lights from the opened door.

"Now eat up, you have a long day ahead of you." Her voice is seriously familiar. I took my time slowly sitting up.

Just sitting up took a lot of energy in me. Once I successfully sit up, my eye adjusted to the light. When I saw the girl in front of me I was speechless.

"Hey don't go stare at me like that eat up!" She looked at me annoyed but I just stared at her with wide eyes.

"Ah don't want to eat that huh? Fine don't, Dexter take this away." She called out as Dexter walk in taking away my last meal and only meal today. "Would you fucking cut staring at me like that!" She growl at me as she stand up and was about to walk out when I finally find the strength to talk.

"How could you?" My voice was hoarse and barely a whisper but she heard it pretty clearly because she stop dead in her tracks.

I wait for her reply as my eyes starts to water, how could she have done this?

"Rachel why?" I choked out. I still just couldn't believe my own my eyes. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me.

"No, this is not real," I started convincing myself "My mind is just playing tricks on me. Rachel this is not true, right?" I said with hopeful eyes.

This is just a dream.

I kept saying to myself up until Rachel turn around with those kinds of looks that says 'Bitch this is real, deal with it.' I think that's what it meant.

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