Just like in my Dream

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Boring af...... Please tell me your day was hectic and exciting and wonderful!

Not like mine... Boring, Dull and shit.


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Chapter 15

Alisha POV

"You still haven't told us how you got this van." I just rolled my eyes as I concentrate on driving this trash — I mean my customize van.

Yes I'm driving this thing.

And yes I do own this van.

I got my baby the other day when this thing was to be thrown out by Gregorio but I pleaded him if I can boost it up a little bit and make it brand new, then that's why I got this.

Remember when I said I was to lazy to buy a car?

Yeah that's a total lie.

Not really, I didn't buy it I just fix and work on it.

Enough of the chit chat back to reality.

"Wait. Isn't the house is at the other side of the forest?" Ask Danny as she hold on her sit. "Yes it is." I said rather coldly as suddenly the road is turning into bumpier by the second.

"Woah this will be one bumpy road trip!" I can feel them glaring at Ryan and just imagining him shrinking in his seat at the back. "Yeah I'm just going to shut up now."

Better be or else 

"Are you sure you know where it is Alisha? You know this path is really unfamiliar and sort of abandoned and bumpy." I huff a breath as my knuckles where turning white in frustration. They were asking the same question for the past hour causing me to get even more frustrated.

"Yes! For the f*cking thousandth times yes! No one ever go to this side of this town because this other side of this forest the abandoned town of Mystic Shine! And it's been what, 12 or 13 traumatic years have past since we left there! So that's why it looks abandoned! it looks unfamiliar! and f*cking bumpy!" Everyone was shock by my outburst because the moment I'm finish everyone shut up.

The whole ride everyone was silent just the metals of the van clashing together and our breathing. You can still feel the thick tension around us.

This road is definitely getting more familiar and also the trees.

We live a few blocks away from the town were we used to live. My mother said she wants to live peacefully and quiet yet happy and alive so we decided to live at the out skirts of the forest.

I remembered our home town. The town were full of life every time when we have a festival or occasions especially holidays.The people there were friendly and gracious, they always have smiles on their faces. Call it creepy I know but there was never a dull moment till my 7th birthday came.

Just the thought of this bring tears to my eyes until I was brought back to reality. 

"Alisha watch out!" My eyes went wide as we took a sharp turn causing us to bump or more like crashed into a tree then every thing went black.


"You think she's alright?" I heard someone said in a familiar voice. "You dimwit look at her! She has a bruise on her forehead and a red liquid was dripping from her head and she's not even awake yet!" Someone shouted.

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