The Date

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I'm always laughing whenever I see Saitama's face. That bald stupid looking idiot that has the ultimate punch in all anime time (I think he's even stronger than Goku!) But anyways I love Saitama and also Genos. (Comment if you know who and what I am talking about.)

So how are you guys?

I know I know it's been a while since I last updated the previous chapter and for that I AM TRULY FREAKING SORRY!

I'm sorry I can't update that fast because of butt loads of projects, I also been have working on some stuffs – important stuffs.

And lastly THANK YOU FREAKING THANK YOU for giving me thousands of reads and hundreds of votes! Seriously I can't believe it!

Warning: This chapter can be a little too Cliché.

If you like this chapter please leave a Comment or Vote.


Chapter 25

Alisha POV

"Alisha wake up darling." I heard someone says softly like I was about to wake up any minute now but pft like they would wake me up in my deep slumber.

I moan in my sleep indicating I'm not waking up anytime soon causing them to groan and wake me up a few many times for me liking.

I'll seriously going piss on that person who dared waking me up. It's like I just got to bed like a few minutes ago!

The person lets out a frustrated groan and suddenly she shouts. "FOR CHRIST SAKE ALISHA! WAKE THE FUCK UP NOW!" I jolted up awake, giving the person a death glare as I can feel my eyes darken. I just notice everyone but the boys are here in my room.

What the hell are they all doing in my room – I narrowed my eyes on the clock – at seven o'clock! 

The hell! It's too freaking early to wake up this early. I groan and lay back to my bed on my back as they stared at me with mischief in their eyes but they quickly covered it. "Rise and shine butterfly! Did you have a good night sleep?" 

They were so.....cheerful. Who the hell is this cheerful in the morning? Besides the birds of course. 

I nod my head slowly they were seriously acting weird and suspicious. You could tell with their twinkling eyes and wide creepy smiles. Okay this is getting weirder now and it is creeping me the heck out!

"Well then here's your breakfast." Mary, carrying a tray full of delicious looking foods. She lays it on my lap and smiled like the others I just slowly nod and muttered a thanks. "Now if you're done with your breakfast, go and take a bath. Shave three times or more, shampoo your hair twice also scrub the sorry ass for a body, take your time to get ready for–" 

Helena elbowed Danny to keep her from continuing, all I just did was stared at them weirdly. "Okay.... um er thanks for the breakfast-in-bed thing? And would you mind go outside? I would clearly want some privacy." They look at each other then smiled. Their smiles creep me to the bones. 


Danny POV

Our smile never faded until we exited Alisha's room were we let out a breathe that we never knew we were holding. 

"Dude did we act suspiciously?"

"Too suspiciously. Thanks to Danny that almost blurt out the thing then we're screwed." I scoff at Rachel and rolled my eyes "Oh now its my fault." she pretends to observe her not manicured ugly nails – but it's not really ugly - and looks up smirking.

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