Easily Fooled

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It's been two weeks and two days since I last updated, I'm sorry you guys. Really. So without further adieu, let's start reading! 

Oh and sorry if there's any spelling errors and grammar use. 


Chapter 28

Alisha POV

It was past two in the morning when my eyes suddenly opened. I felt hot and icky. I slowly sit up but instantly regretted it, my body suddenly ache, it also felt heavy. I breathe in deeply as beads of sweat covered my forehead.

What the heck is wrong with me right now?

I kick off my comforter and slowly sit on the edge of the bed. I wince, bringing my hand to rub my temple. It's like someone was hitting me with a sledgehammer on my head. It hurts like crazy. My breathing become uneven, my throat instantly felt dry and rusty. 

I sigh. I grab a jacket that was hanging from a chair because I'm feeling cold all of a sudden and slowly opened my door, I cringe when it made those creepy creaking sound in horror movies when the girl slowly opens the door and it made those weird sound. 

I find that totally creepy.

When I take a step forward I immediately fell out of balance so I use the walls to keep me balance because every step I took my head throbs like seriously crazy.

The hall was deserted and awfully quiet. What do you expect? Loud and crowded? Ugh, even thinking hurts like bitch.

Something was off. My gut was screaming at me that don't go downstairs. But I was really thirsty and I don't have some aspirins for my headache in my bathroom.

I sigh in relief when I've reached the bottom stairs. I made a little happy dance inside my head which causes me to wince again because it hurts. Dammit.

The pack house is really dark and awfully quiet right now. I suddenly hear rustling of leaves outside but I shrug it off. Maybe it's just the wind blowing or some animal just walk pass by.

I find myself entering the kitchen and finding some aspirins hoping there will be some but to my dismay there aren't any aspirins or even paracetamol. Great. Guess I have to deal with this headache the whole night. 

I was about to head back upstairs after I just gulp down two glasses of water when I heard whispers. My body froze, my hands shake a little as the whispers become louder and louder. 

Okay, Alisha calm down there might be some pack members woke up or is still awake just going on a midnight moonlight walk. Or maybe it's just your wild imagination. 

Ugh I shouldn't have watched that scary movie last night.

Due to my curiosity I silently followed the whispers – even when I'm still scared shitless I still followed it – but when I was getting closer and the whispers getting louder it would suddenly vanish and return again but it will sound distant. 

I was about to give up but my feet kept going, this time it leads me to the backyard where I could see a shadow of a man.

Okay Alisha let's just go back to your room and sleep and pretend this never happened.

The Stranger is an Alpha and also my MateWhere stories live. Discover now