Chapter 26: Absolutely (Story Of A Girl)

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(Absolutely is by Nine Days)

Harry’s POV:

                I felt far from innocent as I sat in the makeup artist’s chair. Not only had I slept with the girl that had probably given Erin the most grief throughout her entire life, but to top it off I was not the person I claimed to be. The deception didn’t even stop there; I was secretly filming her. I’m pretty sure that one person could not withstand a single additional shitty act, but in all actuality I did not know if Erin could handle all of my crap either. She still had a lot to discover about me, and the worst was far from over. The only thing that gave me hope was the fact that I had never met a more resilient, open-minded individual. She didn’t foster resentment: she forgave, forgot and trusted at a self-destructing rate. I felt bad for taking advantage of her unguarded nature, but it was my only hope. I had to make her fall in love with me before the second fallout or I would have no chance. But if I got her to forgive me and it ended her belief in the goodness of people, I was not sure I could forgive myself.

                “What’s got your mind in the clouds love,” the make-up artist asked as she started airbrushing away my tattoos.

                “It’s early, can’t a boy be tired?” I thought I was convincing, but she could read me. Her and Erin had that same ability, their attention to minute details worked in their favor in times like these.

                “I do this every morning. Don’t you think I am able to tell when these cheeks are a little droopier?” She pointed to the scar she had just created. “Besides, normally you have to fight to keep your eyes open, I notice it when I attempt to do your liner. This morning though, they seem to be pried open. You clearly need to sleep but you can’t, your mind is keeping you up. So the real reason you’re racking your brain is…”

                “Sorry you have to live here to only do a few hours of makeup a day. You should be doing movies or something. You’re very talented.” I could not justify what I had done and did not feel like trying.

                “I live in a 5 star hotel, get paid to order free room service for 6 out of eight generously paid hours, and then at the end of it all I get free advertisement for an hour every week. I don’t think you know what a bad job is Mr. Styles. Enough of you avoiding the topic we were talking about your girl.” She was starting on the tattoos.

                “How did you know?” I was never really awake enough to talk to her so I had not mentioned anything about Erin. I didn’t want to make her job more of a hassle.

                “I have a knack for knowing when someone’s in love, and that dopey smile you had the last few days is gone. Tell me about her.” She looked like a kid in a candy shop; I had clearly underestimated how interested she would be in my experience. To be fair I should have known that she would want something to talk about since I tore her away from her friends and family back home.

                “Her name’s Erin, but I don’t love her.”

                “I asked you to tell me about her not her name.”

                “I don’t know there is not much to tell.” I was never good with questions like this.

                “Start by telling me what she looks like.” She was very determined to get something juicy out of me, so I figured it was about time to give up.

                “She’s not drop dead gorgeous,” she seemed let down. “But sometimes I seem to forget that. She has chocolate brown hair that she just let’s run in whatever direction it feels like, and has these long bangs that cover some of her eye when they get too long. I like it better right after she gets them trimmed though because then I can see her eyes which are so enchanting. They are a bright olive green, I swear straight from a crayon box. But around the outsides they are a dark green that might be a little blue, and then there are random splotches of light brown in them. When she smiles I get lost in them, and sometimes I just want to stay there. She doesn’t even put much time into it. She doesn’t wear a lot of makeup if she wears anything and her outfits are defiantly comfort over style. It’s like she doesn’t care what other people think, and that might just be the reason she’s so intriguing. As a makeup artist you’d probably hate her.” It felt good to tell someone about Erin.

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