Chapter 10- Awakening

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We are going back to Artemis's p.o.v from now on!

I was in a coma for a month and that was the worst time ever. I rested for a few days until I was allowed to walk around again. I haven't heard from Artemis in a while and it's starting to stress me out.

I was walking around in The Crescent at sunset with Jet and we just talking about what's happened in our lives. It was interesting, his mum died when he was five because of the nightmares, his sister went missing on his twelfth birthday and how he found me in the woods. He took my hand and intertwined our finger and led me to outside the area to a beautiful waterfall, the water was like glass and it was as cold as ice.

"It's beautiful!" I was admiring the place and awed at its beauty.

"I often come here if I need to think or just need space, it's a good place to come." He was looking around the place as I watched him. Until his eyes were looking at me with sadness in them.

"You scared me Artemis, when you went into a coma for a month I came here a lot. To get away from the stress you put me in, I didn't know if you were ever going to wake up." He looked down at his feet and tears started rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry I ran away. I was just scared that if I stayed you would die. I didn't mean to but I wasn't even in the right mind at the time," I was looking at him, "we found your sister so you should be happy that we found her." He hugged me and rested his chin on my head, I hugged him back.

"I'm just happy you came back alive." I could feel him smiling and that made me smile. "You know, I'm sorry for laughing the first time we met."

"Don't worry about it Jet, I got over that a long time ago."

'Did you miss me?' My eyes widened and I smiled.

"What is it?" He was looking at me and I did forget Jet was there for a split second.

"Oh, just Artemis." I couldn't get the fact that she was back out of my head.

'I see you two lovebirds are getting close!' She sounded excited as if she was ready for us to kiss, but that's not going to happen yet . Besides, I'm not even his girlfriend yet.

'We are not! Don't get the wrong idea Artemis.' I know she knows that I like him but we aren't at that stage yet. At the moment I see us as friends. Although he did say he loved me.

'What happened to you? I didn't hear from you for ages!'

'Oh, I was just resting. I need my sleep too.' I was laughing at her, I was so caught up in the moment while talking to Artemis that I completely forgot about Jet.

"Anyone home?" He was knocking on my head as if it was a door and I flinched.

"Oww." I was rubbing my head and he was laughing. Great, he's back to his old self again.

"C'mon lets go back." He grabbed my hand and led me back to the town. It was dark by the time we got back and the colour of the night sky was beautiful. It was covered with purples and blues but the moon was the prettiest out of everything. I stopped in the middle of the area and just stood still amazed, this area is the only place you can properly see the sky because it isn't covered with trees.

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