Chapter 5- Just me and you

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As soon as I got to my cabin I sent Jet off and went to sleep.

I had a terrible sleep, it was full of nightmares about destroying the Wolvens and Vampires. Each nightmare was different and they had different outcomes. One of them was that I had my own pack of wolves and attacked The Crescent. The wolves killed everyone but the worst part about all of the nightmares was that I kept killing Jet. It was me. Once I learn to protect myself, then I'm leaving.

This time Luna was in my room. It was training day with her, I'm supposed to be learning how hand to hand combat works and disarming weapons from others. She had her hair in a pony tail and wore a tank and shorts.

"Wake up sleepy head. We've got a lot of training to do." I want this day to go by peacefully, hopefully Jet will keep it under control. I think he normally does anyway.

'Ready for training today Artemis?' She yawned. She must still be tired from yesterday.

'I guess.' I gave myself encouraging thoughts, although something didn't feel right.

"Oh, by the way, Jet won't be helping us today, he's doing other stuff." She sounded happy by that and I just sighed and got out of bed.

"Wait, do you know what he's doing?" I know I shouldn't ask, but I did anyway.

"Do you think it's any of your business?!" She practically yelled at me. I don't know what I did to deserve that.

'Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.' Artemis started laughing after I said that which made me chuckle. Bad idea when faced with an angry Luna. She was heading to the door when she heard me laughing and she turned around.

"What are you laughing at?" She gave me an angry look.

"Oh, nothing." She came closer and tried to look angry but she looked funny which only made me laugh more.

"You better stop laughing or else!" I did stop laughing but I wasn't convinced about what she could do.

"Or what? What are you going to do?" I should learn to keep my mouth shut a lot more or else it'll get me in trouble. Like now.

She punched me in the stomach and I fell back on to the bed. The she threw me the clothes and went out the door. I was left lying on my bed with a bruise forming on my stomach. That's probably how the hole days going to go. But it did start healing quicker but it still hurt.

I put on my clothes and thank god she gave me a jacket, if I didn't have one everyone would be able to see the bruise she gave me. I put that on and went outside.

"Artemis this is Oscar or Jupiter." He had blonde hair tied back in a bun and he had bright blue eyes. He looked to be around 17. Like all the guys here, he has good muscles.

"Nice to meet you Artemis. Well, I better be off then, I've got a lot of stuff to do. Hopefully I'll see more of you Artemis and maybe we can hang out a bit sometime." He sounded happy but he seems to be a bit of a flirt.

"Heh, yeah, hopefully." Er, I hope not. He's a bit weird. He left with a smile, that means I'm now stuck with the devil.
She led me to a big open area and started.

"Ok, so first I'm going to teach you hand to hand combat then I'll give you your dagger that you keep forever. So..." She kept explaining and I did listen for most of it. She would attack then I either had to block or counter attack. The I had to attack and dodge her counter attacks. It was now midday and it was fun until we had to train with daggers. I'm starting to get exhausted but Artemis was able to control it, so I wasn't exhausted anymore.

"I want you to come at me and take my dagger off me." She seems pretty confident. She showed me her dagger it had a red stone on the blade and a black grip, the stone made it look evil.

"Wait, how do I take it off you?" She never told me, damn her!

"Improvise." I lunged at her but she sidestepped and the jacket and my arm. I fell to the ground and held the cut to stop it from bleeding.

"We're training, not trying to kill each other!" I yelled at her. I was so angry! I bet she told Jet not to come so she could do that. Or I could just be overreacting.

"Do you think, if you were attack that the person would let you stay on the ground!" I shook my head." Then get up and take the dagger!" I lunged at her again and grabbed her hand before she could get me again. I took the dagger out of her hand and threw it to the ground.

"Good, now I can give you your dagger." Oh, I didn't know I actually get to keep the dagger, I mustn't have been listening. She grabbed a beautiful white bladed dagger with a blue hand guard, a white grip and an icy blue gem on the blade. It was stunning. She gave it to me and I slid it into my back pocket.

"What are you two up to?" I looked over to where the voice came from and to my surprise it was Jet. He was walking over here.

"Nothing just training." I replied with an annoyed tone, I'm not annoyed at Jet I'm annoyed at Luna for not telling me where he was. He was smiling at me and my heart went wild. Then he must've sensed something was wrong because he looked at me with a sad look then he looked down and saw my arm. I tried to hide it but it was to late. He grabbed my arm and slid the sleeve up.

"What happened to your arm?!" He sounded worried, which was a complete shock for me. No guy has ever cared for me.

"Nothi-" I was cut off by Luna, again.

"She just slipped on the ground and cut it, that's what happened." I looked at Luna for the last part and then looked back at Jet.

"Is that really what happened?" He was concerned but there was an angriness in his tone at the same time. I nodded at him. "Well, I'll take you back to your cabin and I'll stitch it up for you." He grabbed my hand and linked our fingers. He tried to take me to the cabin but I just stayed still and looked at our hands and tears started slowly falling down my face.

'Someone's developed a crush!' Artemis sounded excited about that but I don't understand why so I blocked her out.

"Are you coming?" I looked at him and nodded and when he looked back I wiped the tears away. Then we walked back to the cabin and as we did I heard Luna swear in the background.

While we were walking back I realised what the tears where about, this man in front of me is probably going to die by my hand and I don't want that to happen. I checked my back pocket to see if my dagger was still there. The whole way to my cabin he held onto my hand.

When we made it he opened the door for me and I put my dagger on my drawers and sat on my bed. I started crying all over again. Jet grabbed all the supplies he needed to fix the cut, came over to me and squatted in front of me. I had my head in my hands and refused to look at him. The one I've fallen in love with at this place and it's the biggest mistake of my life.

"What's wrong?" He asked, I can tell that he's really worried. I wish I knew what to do but I don't, I want to tell him about the nightmares about everything but then I'm afraid that he won't let me leave. So, I've decided that I'm leaving tonight and everything will be over.

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