Final Chapter

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Another day, another struggle for Lucy.

Seeing Natsu flirting with other girls seemed like nothing to her but deep inside it was killing her.
Today, she has decided. This will be the last day of dropping a hint.

No. Maybe dropping the bomb would be nice. This guy is dense. A little push wouldn’t hurt.

Slowly, she strode towards Natsu but then stopped. She had no plans.

Whatever. Maybe coming up to him and saying ‘I like you’ would work.

That might work. . . and give Natsu a major ego boost.

Lucy had internal conflict. She debated with herself whether she should just confess already or prolong the agony, not noticing Natsu walking up to her.

Wait what? Walking up to her?

She stood straight, looking into his eyes. Don’t melt.

“Hey Lucy.” Damn it, he’s so casual like we’re not exes. Come to think of it though, I was the one who told him that we should be friends. Then they spent minutes staring at each other.

Natsu cleared his throat awkwardly. “Thanks for the notes.” He practically shoved the binder on Lucy’s face before stalking off and draping an arm around a random girl.

What the f*ck?

Huffing, she treaded the opposite direction.

Right. Lucy lent him her notes the other day because he begged for it.

Okay nope, he didn’t beg, he just asked once. She blamed her liking for Natsu and his laziness for copying the notes that she agreed right away. Him winking didn’t help either.

She felt like the dumbest of the dumb.

Lucy felt her blood boiling as she glared at Levy’s headband. “Lucy—”

“Nothing.” She grunted. Levy creased her forehead.

“What? I’m—”


Levy wanted to slap her best friend’s cheeks. Left and right. “Would you shut up for a minute? Jeez. I’m trying to say that Prof Aquarius needs to talk to you.”

Lucy felt her cheeks gradually becoming hotter. “Oh.”

Oh.” Levy mimicked, rolling her eyes. “I’m off to somewhere. Good luck.”

What Levy meant by good luck was answered when Lucy saw Natsu sitting comfortably on a chair. He tried to flirt with Prof Aquarius but of course he failed. She had Coach Scorpio as her boyfriend.

Good luck to her, anyway.

“I’m happy you came.” Aquarius deadpanned a little sarcastically as soon as she saw Lucy. “Please take your ex away.” Lucy wasn’t supposed to be shy with Aquarius calling her as Natsu’s ex but heck, Natsu looked up at her innocently. It was hard not to blush. “Tsk. That’s why he broke up with you.” Lucy ignored Aquarius. She turned her attention to Natsu who stood up and smirked.

“Okay, Miss Heartfilia.” Lucy shivered. She blamed the way her name rolled on Natsu’s tongue—playfully and sexily.

Sexily!? What was she thinking!?

Natsu laughed and proceeded to skip away.

“E-Err.” Lucy started. “Is there anything you need, Professor?”

“The president of the school told me this. I forgot her name.” Lucy mentally chuckled. Aquarius really wasn’t the friendly type. “She says you need to go to Sabertooth Building and meet up with someone.”

Break His Heart [NaLu AU, Book 1 & 2] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now