Chapter 2

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Finally! Lucy will have her own point of view. :)


[Lucy’s POV]

Levy had been pushing me for the past two hours literally. It’s a weekend, and there’s still the Cherry Blossom Trees around. The view was amazingly breathtaking. Though the outside of my window looked wonderful, my mood wasn’t.

Levy smiled at me mischievously. “You wouldn’t be crying earlier if you didn’t care now.”

“So what?”

She sniggered as if an innocent little girl stood dumbfounded in front of her. “My point is, you like him.”

I gave her a look. “The f**k are you saying, Levy? I don’t like Natsu. You don’t know what you’re saying. We all know that my mission was to break his heart. I have no idea why I cried. Why are you insisting it’s because of Natsu?”

Levy frowned deeply, her eyes saying that she’ll kill me. “Because it’s true. Denying, my friend? Please don’t, because I know you better than you know yourself.”

Pursing my lips into a thin line, she rolled her eyes yet again. “I don’t understand you and your thoughts. Little reminder: I will never fall for someone like Natsu who’s a player, cocky, and arrogant bastard. Why don’t you go back to studying so you can perfect the exam? I’ll mind my own business.”

“Fine, but I’m telling you this myself: you like him.” The worst thing about having a friend is that they’ll always assume “everything”. Literally. It’s gonna come true in the end, that’s the worst of all.

I watched her turn on her heels, practically walking out with her hair blowing out in the wind. Sitting back down with my phone in hand, I listened to some music for relaxation.

That’s when all the memories of Natsu and I came back. I have no idea why I’m having all these throwbacks now since it’s not a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.

And as if on cue, Natsu strolled oh-so-casually with his arms draped around two girls. My eyes narrowed at the sight of him and the bratty-looking girls not noticing that I plastered on a furious face.

“PDA.” I mumbled in disgust, averting my gaze at the now unholy scene they were making. What is this, a bedroom? They should stay away from our sights!

Juvia and Gray then came in which is relieving because I don’t want to watch a bed scene. Surprisingly now, my feelings for Gray was as empty as the color of black.

“What are they doing?” Juvia grunted. Gray muttered profanities under his breath, quite disliking the fact that his girlfriend had to witness this. “Uh, Lucy?”

I turned to her. “Yes?”

“Why do you look so scary?” Offending words, was what I wanted to say because it really is offending me.

“Do I?”

“Yeah.” Gray answered for her and I just sighed. “Is there a problem?”

Frowning, I respond with a nod. “But no need to worry. I can handle it on my own.”

"Lucy, you might want to look at yourself right now." Juvia handed me a mirror and I stared at the reflection of me I was seeing. Beautiful. Note the sarcasm. I had bags under my eyes and my hair was disarrayed. Most appropriate hashtag for today? #Wokeuplikethis.

Actually, I never woke up because I was sleepless for three days. Can you imagine that? The amazing thing is that I can still study despite the fact that I lack sleep.

Break His Heart [NaLu AU, Book 1 & 2] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now