Chapter 5

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“We’re here!” Natsu twisted his head to see if anybody was around him and saw a half-happy and half-sad Lisanna and a nervous Lucy. He gave them perplexed and amused looks. He thought that perhaps, Lucy was there to ask for his forgiveness or something. He liked that, well, needed rather. He was really pissed off about yesterday, but today he was completely shining with happiness.

About Lisanna, he wasn’t very happy about it. Actually, he was annoyed. He thought that maybe Lisanna was there to ask him what was wrong with her, or as to why he broke up with her. He wasn’t surprised—he was expecting it. Lisanna might be there to ask him to be his girlfriend again, and would promise to fix whatever her mistake was. In short, she might try to be the most perfect girlfriend for him.

Confidence almost drained out from her, Lucy strutted her way towards Natsu, who was raising eyebrows at her. Natsu didn't know that with his single reaction, Lucy became more nervous that any minute now, she's gonna run away with her tail between her legs. She chose this path, though, and she encouraged herself by telling her conscience that she wasn't born to back out from a plan and be a wimp.

"Hey, come with me for a sec." She demanded, pulling his arms. Lisanna watched this scene, and hesitated about her decision about letting Lucy making Natsu her boyfriend. She immediately dismissed her thoughts, thinking it was for her sake as well, and that she needn't worry about Lucy. The topic here was Lucy Heartfilia, for Pete's sake, and Lisanna knew that her dear friend can take care of herself well enough when something bad happens.

Natsu looked puzzled for a split second, but then nodded and smirked at Lucy's weird actions. This would be very entertaining. He thought. He almost wanted to laugh when Lucy stopped at a dark and hidden corner of their school. He was sure that nobody would ever see them there. Natsu being Natsu, his pervy thoughts were on.

He yanked his arms away from Lucy and smirked evilly. At first, he thought she was just going to "apologize" (though he knew it would never happen, but when she pulled him, all those negative thoughts were chased away in an instant.). It was an impossible, crazy, and maybe even wishful thinking. It became funny though, because Lucy pulled him to a creepy, super quiet and alley looking place. His expectations made him giddy and amused at the same time.

"Natsu..." she almost vomitted upon mentioning just his name. Her voice came out a bit raspy and shaky at the same time. Natsu, on the other hand, just tried to make his face look all serious and not expectant, instead of having a smug look on his face. He quirked an inquisitive eyebrow a minute later when Lucy never continued what she was about to say. Let's just say, she trailed off from being super jittery on the inside. Suddenly, she doesn't even know what she was about to say.

Natsu sighed, pretending to be exasperated, making Lucy eye him suspiciously. "Look, I'm here because you wanted to talk about something important. We're not here on this very eery corner of the school if it's not that important, are we? Oh, one more thing. I can't keep wasting my time on you. I have a lot of business to do." Natsu lied under his breath. He wasn't going to do anything important, actually. He was just making Lucy tell him on what was going on, and as to why she dragged  him all the way to that corner. More like mock her. "We're not going to do anything malicious and unworthy here, right?" He received a slight punch on the shoulder from the now pissed Lucy.

He still has business going on? Hah. Lying. If it's business he's talking about, I'm sure it has something to do with girls. Not a thing to be surprised of. Lucy mulled. And how dare he, thinking about something dirty when here I am, all bothered on how I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend even if I have rehearsed it in my room for about a hundred of times. I even have the script in my pocket right now! Well, I think it's to be foreseen. I mean, I had just hauled him to a place like this!

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