Chapter 4

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"I could use some help here." Levy voiced out dryly. When Lucy didn't make a move to stand up from the couch, she rolls her eyes. "I appreciate your help here. Totally."

"You can do it," The blond exhaled warily.

"With my height and strength, you expect me to carry all by myself this 6 feet cabinet with tons of clothes. Yeah, right." She glared at Lucy. "Damn, you look so depressed like you've just seen someone you love die in front of your eyes."

"Shut up, you."

"And Lucy Crankyfilia has returned."

"Levy, just... not now, okay?"


A sharp breeze helped chase away the last bit of sleepiness Lucy had. It was a gorgeous fall morning—a perfect time to jog, not to mope around. As Lucy tried to shake away the saddening thoughts that crossed her mind, a cold nose brushed the back of her hand. "Hey Lucy the second." She said to the golden retriever who looked up at her with wide, pleading eyes, as if begging her owner to pat her head. "Aw, you're so cute!" She let go of the cabinet to pet the dog.

"At least be thankful to the creature. It's the one that's been making you happy for the past three months." Levy rubbed the head of the pet who shrunk in her touch. "You're obviously not over Natsu yet. He's been popping up in your mind randomly along with regret."

"I do not think about that playboy." Lucy replied, hardness and defiance in her tone. "He's nothing but a playboy. Yes, I'm regretting, not because I hurt him but because I don't hurt humans."

"Oh, who are you kidding?" Levy snorted, her voice filled with something that you could call humor. "You don't hurt people? Oh, you've hit loads of people already. I can give you a list if you want."

"I don't hurt them!"

"Physically and emotionally you do, my friend. You've punched a guy's gut back in middle school."

"I was saving the bullied!"

"You've crushed the hearts of various men, Lucy. Remember Loki? That poor guy was depressed for a year and you didn't even give a damn."

"Well..." Lucy's been rendered the loser for the argument this time. "Okay, you win. So this is my karma, I guess."

"I'm glad you know that. Now, you should get over him. Accept that he's moved on from you. You don't even want to chase him then fine! Let him go. Go date Loki. Maybe things would work out this time around."

"Levy, Loki has Aries. Besides, I don't like him. Not one bit."

"Oh, well, go find other men."

Lucy heaved a sigh. "I'm sorry, but no. I'll try to, if I'm over Natsu. I'm not some girl who's gonna drink alcohol and party all night just so I can move on. Slowly, it will take place and then puff! He's gonna disappear in my life forever."

"Damn right you are. But I'm gonna ask you one last question. Are you sure you're gonna let Natsu go from now on?"

Lucy paused as Levy dropped the bomb. The biggest question of her life, the biggest question she didn't actually wanna hear ever. Am I? But she must make up her mind as soon as possible.

She wanted to move on. Really. Her heart didn't like the feeling of being crushed—it was unbearable. Love like this was her second experience, the first one coming from Gray. The more painful one was the present love.

"I don't know." She answered truthfully after awhile.

"Think about it. Natsu is in Singapore. You're rich enough to follow him there. The only thing you need to worry about is his whereabouts. Let's say that he's staying in some hotel. But what if he has a relative and he's staying in there?"

"I'm not saying that I'm gonna chase him." Lucy voiced out almost inaudibly.

Then again, she didn't want to let go of him. Natsu loved her. She didn't want to throw away the little bit of chance that they could still get back together. The little bit of chance that Natsu might love her again.

"I still don't know..."

"Admit it, you have that little light inside of you, saying that there's still a chance."

"I'm not gonna deny that. I mean, that's true."

"I myself believe that there's still a chance. So? What are you gonna do now?"

"I will..." Lucy trailed off as she continued to think about her choice. "Chase him."


"Flight number 309. Please proceed to the plane right now on the east wing. Flight number 309. Please proceed to the plane right now on the east wing." The announcer spoke over the microphone. Lucy took a deep breath as she bid Levy her farewell.

"Break a leg, Lucy! Get Natsu back!" Her blue-haired friend cheered, her arm draped over her shoulder as she gave her a noogie.

"I will, I will. Just let go of me. I swear, for a little girl you're crazy strong." Lucy told her, struggling for balance.

"Now, now. You might miss your flight. Bye!"


"Yes. Thank you sir." A woman in her mid-thirties bowed and went out of the meeting room right away, leaving the pink haired boy on his seat, relieved.

"Maybe we need something that will increase the sales."

"Sir, someone's outside, creating a ruckus!" A janitor came rushing in through the doors.

The pink haired boy furrowed his eyebrows. "The guards could calm that someone down."

"No, sir, the guards have been taken down."

"Even with their guns they were taken down!? Are you kidding me?" The boy had sprung up from his seat in utter surprise. "Maybe it's a pro wrestler or boxer."

"Furthermore, sir, it's a girl."


"Yes, and no one could calm her down. I think you could with your charms and force."

He let out a breath. "Okay, okay. I'll come down. Is she still at the lobby?"

"From what I know, she is."

He ran out of the room and tried pressing an elevator button. Groaning after he saw the sign that said out of order, he went to the stairs. For some reason, the janitor trailed behind him.

"Sir! I forgot to tell you something." The janitor shouted, panting as they ran towards the lobby.

"What is it?" The lobby was full of people who were taken down by the girl intruder. The pinkette shook in fear, suddenly afraid of the girl's power. The problem here now is that the intruder wasn't there anymore. This made the boy more anxious than ever. "Sh*t, she's not here anymore. Is she planning to get the money of the company?" He inquired frantically, running back up to his office.

The janitor, this time, didn't follow him but told him something. "The girl wants to see you!"

The boy had one thing in mind: Maybe she's one of my fangirls—

Those train of thoughts were interrupted as soon as he reached his office.


I would like to apologise for not updating right away. It's not like I don't have time or anything, it's just... WE DIDN'T HAVE WIFI FOR TWO WEEKS. And I'm so sorry for that. I promise to update frequently once the WiFi is back.


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