Chapter 15

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Levy screamed all over again. She couldn't believe the fact that Natsu was already Lucy's official boyfriend. For her, it was a great achievement. Although she was a quiet girl, she couldn't help but let out whoops of happiness for her bestfriend. She felt so proud. She felt like she did a very good job in making everything this perfect.

Well, not for Lucy. This was the very main step, after all. She smirked inwardly as she thought about the next step. She knew it was really evil for her to do that. She knew she shouldn't be taking advantage of his feelings towards her. But this was all for her friend's sake. This was all for the sake of all the girls he hurt. She felt hesitant just thinking about it at first, but she knew this was for the better. At least, that's what she think. She thought that she shouldn't feel sorry for him. After all, he didn't feel sorry for the girls he hurt. She didn't let the good side of her take over.

She didn't let Levy know about her plan and she didn't spill everything that has happened before that. Luckily, she never asked.

"I'm so proud of you." Levy said as she grinned brightly at her bestfriend. "I never thought this day would come. Thank goodness, you've changed!" Lucy felt a twinge of guilt but shrugged it off and smiled at her like she was really happy. Like no one could ever take the happiness from her. Levy grinned wider. "As a congratulations, I'm gonna treat you to dinner. Come on!"

They took a quick stroll around the city they were in. Lucy happened to spot a white haired girl who happened to be Lisanna. Lisanna saw her too, and she just stared back at Lucy with empty eyes. She looked like she hadn't slept for a long time, seeing the big bags around her eyes. Lucy beamed at her, but Lisanna replied with nothing but an empty look.

"I gotta go check on something." Lucy slowly told Levy, as she looked at Lisanna with questioning eyes. "I'll follow you to the diner. Go ahead." She ran towards Lisanna when Levy nodded and ran off with her growling stomach.

"So, uhh, hi, Lisanna." Lucy mumbled awkwardly, but Lisanna didn't respond. "I have great news." She tried to look excited.

"Really? What is it? That Natsu and you already got together?" She asked with hatred in her voice. "Congratulations." She didn't look very happy at what she said.

"Well, yeah." Lucy answered, wondering on how Lisanna found out all about it. "But this is my main step, Lisanna. I can finally avenge you and all the other girls he has hurt." She held Lisanna's hands and looked at her with promising eyes.

Lisanna suddenly had this little glint of happiness in her eyes. "Really?" Her voice sounded like she wasn't believing it, but her actions said otherwise. She hugged Lucy tightly. "Thank you, Lucy. Thank you." She croaked as she let go after a moment. Tears had welled up in her eyes and she wiped it off. "I owe you."

Lucy smiled. "I thought you were mad at me. Anyway, I have to go. Levy's waiting for me at the diner." Lisanna waved goodbye as she beamed at Lucy who ran away.

"What took you-" Levy stopped inquiring as she noticed someone behind Lucy. Confused, Lucy turned around and saw Natsu with a dazzling grin on his face.

"Yo!" His pink locks caught Lucy's attention as she acknowledged his presence. "Surprise!" He seemed really happy like he became a millionaire. "Hi girlfriend!" Levy's squeal was a little bit off, annoying Lucy. She felt happy deep inside though. Why? She asks herself, but the next set of thoughts was cut off by Natsu. "Can I take my girlfriend out on a date?"

Levy nodded eagerly. "Oh, sure! Sure! Go ahead. I don't mind." She said, giggling. "Don't wanna be a third wheel, so off I go! See 'ya, Lucy!" She winked, and Lucy heard Levy's voice in her mind. Don't forget to tell me what happened!

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