Chapter 14

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14 isn't just a lucky number of mine.


"Sometimes, I just want to knock you out. You're so annoying. It's so disappointing. Why? He's being good! He didn't do anything bad to you!" Levy kept ranting things. She always did this whenever she felt like it or if she felt bad.

Lucy kept walking too. "Quit being so loquacious."

"I'm leaving you here. I won't be talking to you. Not until you say sorry to the guy. Not until you go back and be with him at the library." Lucy's eyes widened at Levy's retreating figure.

"Levy! Ugh. He's not worth it!"

"He is, you... you girl!" Levy stopped herself from swearing because she hated it. She was so close to saying one, good thing she had the control.

"Looks like she's serious." Lucy mumbled. "Well then, I have to go back and be with him 'til seven PM. Good luck to me." Sighing, she ran back to the school and went to the library. There, she saw Natsu who was arranging the books and writing something on a piece of paper.

The door shut close and that's when Natsu looked up.

Silence. It all felt like deja vu. Lucy hated awkwardness. The fact that Natsu was gazing at her intensely made her shudder.

"Do you need anything?" He emphasized every word. His voice was monotonous like a robot. She felt like she had done something wrong. Well, I did something wrong. Stupid. Her tongue got tied up, and she just stared at Natsu.

"S-Sorry?" It came out more like a question. Natsu didn't know if he'd be surprised. He somehow expected it, but not right now. He thought it was impossible though, considering Lucy's pride was as high as Mount Everest. It even came out as a question, so he thought she wasn't sincere. Right, Levy. How could I forget?

Natsu turned away from her without saying anything. Lucy stood still, staring at Natsu. Natsu, for once, didn't seem to mind her staring. Didn't he accept my apology?

"I said I was sorry." It was supposed to be louder this time, but she wondered why it came out as a whisper in the wind. Stacks of books fell in an aisle as she said that, making it impossible for Natsu to hear what she mumbled. He cussed at the big mess, rolling his eyes. Well, this is awkward, Lucy thought to herself. What am I supposed to do now? Stand here and stare at him until he accepts my apology?

A memory popped in Lucy's head, making her blush. It was Natsu who kissed her all of a sudden. She felt stuffy now. The idea of him and her alone in a room makes her think of the "what ifs".

"Whatever. I still have to help him." She murmured through the quiet room. She slowly took long strides towards him.

She crouched beside him and picked up the books that fell on the dusty floor. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the books. They were apparently unused and it also had some torn pages. It really pained her to see those books like that. After all, she loves books. She caressed them with her slim fingers, with Natsu staring at her in his peripheral vision. He was scribbling something—an information about the book perhaps—but he wasn't that focused anymore to what he was writing.

“What are you writing?” Lucy peeked at what he was writing and felt flabbergasted at what he wrote. “Dusty, torn pages, missing pages... beautiful, amazing, truly a goddess?” Natsu furrowed his eyebrows at what he wrote.

“Uh, well, I... I read some books earlier and found a book about a goddess and all...” He stuttered nervously. Lucy stared at him and nodded.

“So, you’re not mad at me anymore?” She grinned. Natsu forgot about that and he blushed a little. “Natsu Dragneel is blushing oh my gosh! Why?” Lucy asked in amazement.

Break His Heart [NaLu AU, Book 1 & 2] [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora