Chapter 8

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"So basically I'm here to throw all those thoughts in front of you guys."

Wendy and Juvia sighed. "What if you were the ones in Lisanna's position and you heard about us saying you're not yet over Natsu without any strong evidence?"

Levy shrugged. "I had to voice out an opinion. Besides, are you guys even my friends?"

"We are, but you have to take it slow with the accusing. Wendy and I both hate Lisanna but we don't come to that extent." Juvia crossed her arms.

"Okay, okay. I still need help with Lucy, though."

"Why? What happened to Lucy?" Wendy inquired, leaning towards Levy with a quizzical look in an attempt to make her answer immediately.

"She's not yet over Natsu." Wendy and Juvia were about to open their mouths to reply but Levy held out a hand. "Shush, lemme finish. This is a fact. No kidding. She told me that personally." In truth forced her to admit it... whatever.

"I see."

Levy nodded, an affirmative look crossing her face. "And I need you guys to lend me a hand. You know, for them to get back together. Lucy's been really depressed which is not a nice thing to see. I'm beginning to think that she had a fever because of a single heartbreak. Her flight towards Singapore is in an hour now but little did she know that Natsu already came back."

"She's lucky she's become sick today then because it's gonna be a big waste of time, not to mention money." Juvia remarked. "Wait, are her parents informed about that?"

Levy bit her lip. "Apparently not because of course they'd get mad. They'll not allow Lucy to skip school even if she's a bad ass."

"You just said ass." Juvia gasped in horror. "This is what Lucy does to you."

Levy rolled her eyes. "Get over it."

Professor Happy entered the classroom.

"Let's finish this later."


"We're going to kill her!?" Wendy exclaimed. "I'm very against that idea. Sorry Levy."

Levy rolled her eyes. "Stop overreacting. I said kill Lisanna's feelings for Natsu. Not necessarily kill her."

"We get it. However, the how question remains." Juvia leaned on a wall.

"That's the problem. And I'm gonna need your help."

Wendy slowly stepped back. "Is it okay if I exclude myself in this little operation? You see, you're letting a kid like me-"

"No." Juvia and Levy said in unison.

"Honestly," Levy stood up. "if you don't want to spend time with me anymore you can just say it straightforwardly."

"That's not it." Juvia blurted out. "We just don't want to be involved in a ruckus because there's a high possibility of us making the ruckus bigger than it already is."

Levy exhaled. "All I need is your help. Don't worry, I think I've thought of the safest and easiest way to fulfill Lucy's desires. We'll take it step by step."

"We're all ears."


Lucy woke up to the sunlight nearly blinding her and the birds chirping endlessly. It was a nice afternoon indeed but her situation wasn't. Her head pounded relentlessly and painfully; it felt as if someone was trying to crack her brain open.

The sleepiness she had didn't wear off though. That was proven when a ring made its way to her ears. Feeling nauseous, she pressed the 'answer' button, eyes closed.

Break His Heart [NaLu AU, Book 1 & 2] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now