Chapter 13

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here's the update!! :)) took a long time

"Shut up. I just care about you. I'm worried about your safety."

-Natsu Dragneel


Gray draped his arms around Juvia which made Lucy's heart sank. "Hey there, beautiful!" He had been courting Juvia since last week, but Lucy had heard this news just three days ago. "You finished lunch?"

And Juvia liked him too. "Uhm, yeah." It hurt her a lot, but she managed to let everyone know that she was okay. Wendy, Juvia, and Gray believed it, but Levy didn't. She knew it was all an act.

"Shall we go to the library?" Gray offered with a smile. Juvia nodded and left the table without another word.

Levy shook her head at Lucy. "So, I guess it's us left again."

"Don't forget me!" Lisanna popped out of nowhere. "Sorry I haven't been with you guys lately. How's life?" Her smile seemed somewhat fake to Lucy. The blond girl just shrugged it off, for maybe it was just an illusion.

Wendy grunted, "Calculus is making me die, as always." Her displeased expression made everyone in the table laugh.

"Really? I guess I'm not the only one." Levy joked. She wanted to tease Wendy, for Levy excelled in Calculus. Wendy frowned and turned to Lucy and Lisanna.

"I've got something to do. I've got to help Erza in the Student Council room with the papers. I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow." She stood up.

Lucy flashed Wendy a smile of good luck. "I pity you. Erza is a monster, so I'm sure you're very uncomfortable with her." Wendy chuckled as she bid her goodbye.

"Oh no! I've got to run! My next class will start in a minute! Gotta run!" Lisanna ran away along with Levy. They've got the same class.

"Now I'm all alone." Lucy mumbled to herself. She didn't know if she'd be happy because there was no disturbance and noise now, or be sad because she looked like a loner.

Without further notice, a guy sat across her. "Hey." It was then that she noticed she wasn't alone anymore.

Again, she didn't know if she should be happy because she wasn't a loner anymore, or be sad because the guy that sat across her made her feel guilty. The guy? It's Natsu Dragneel. "... Hey." She greeted back ever so softly.

"Why are you alone?" Natsu asked just to have a conversation with her. "You musn't be alone at a time like this. You know, guys are lingering around."

Lucy found the courage to speak. "Wow, shame on you." She retorted. She found her statement laughable.

Natsu put on a serious face. "Shut up. I just care about you. I'm worried about your safety." That shut her up. Then again, she was speechless. The words in her mind left her; her brain was a complete blank.

The awkward silence perished once Professor Macao spoke. "Hey, you two. Your vacant period, huh. What are you doing here? Having a date?"

Lucy blushed profusely. "Professor! No, we're not dating. Natsu's just a companion of mine. He told me I looked like a loner." Natsu, although he was really hurt deep inside, smiled and nodded.

"I see." The professor didn't seem that convinced at Lucy's answer, but then shrugged it off. "I'll see you guys later." But then a moment later, he remembered something. "Oh, hey. Can I ask the both of you a favor?" Lucy became nervous of the favor that the Professor was about to ask.

Break His Heart [NaLu AU, Book 1 & 2] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now