Chapter 7

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“Good morning, mother, father!” Lucy chirped, taking a bite onto her sandwich.

“Morning, Lucy. You seem to be in a good mood. Care to share?”

“No, mom. I just had a nice dream. Besides, I’ll be late for school." She skipped to the living room to get her bag but came to a halt when she saw a salmon-haired boy, sitting with a weird aura around him. “What the. What the heck is Natsu Dragneel doing in our house!?” She screamed.

“Good morning, honey.” He waved, smirking at the blond beauty.

“Honey your face. What are you doing here?”

“Visiting you. Why? You’re my girlfriend, right? So there’s nothing wrong with me calling you honey or any kind of endearment.”

Lucy rolled her eyes. “No need for endearments. Anyways, you’re gonna take me to school?”

“Don’t state the palpable.”

“Right,” she huffed.

“Oh! So you’ve talked to her already!” they both saw Lucy’s mom walking towards them. “Lucy, I forgot to tell you, but today is Saturday. A weekend. There is no such thing called school for today. And one more thing. You’re not going to school wearing slippers and a night gown, right? Plus, you look like someone who never took a bath. Dry saliva, munchkins.” Lucy gasped in horror as she frantically ran to the bathroom. She was so pumped up about yesterday that she forgot that today was a weekend. She felt so ashamed. Natsu might’ve seen her dry saliva and messy bed hair and is now laughing his a** off.

“That was hilarious. I wish I took a picture of you! Dry saliva and messy bed hair version of Lucy Heartfilia. That would be a big hit!” he cackled after Lucy got out of the bathroom. The girl was now dressed in casual clothes, frowning at him. They were walking outside their house.

“It’s not funny, you know. I was just excited for today, is all.” she grumbled, looking down at her feet. She smiled at the memory of yesterday. She felt so gleeful when she remembered Gray. Though the mention of Juvia was what ruined the moment, at least she got the time to be alone with him.

“One moment you’re annoyed. The next you’re smiling? Creepy. Stop smiling like a sunfish.”

Lucy punched him hard, “You always ruin the moment. I hate you.”

“Oh, yeah? You’re my girlfriend and you hate me?” he chuckled. A moment later, he turned very serious that made Lucy shudder. “What moment, huh?” the seriousness in his voice was clear and intense. Lucy had goosebumps. It’s like, she was cheating on him. ‘Wait. He’s just a boyfriend of mine that’ll be my ex soon, right? It’s not like I’m cheating on him. I mean, he’s cheating on many girls too. I’m breaking his heart soon, aren’t I? There’s no need to consider things about this matter.’ she pondered.

“I’m kidding. I know it’s about me. The moment with me. Ha-ha-ha-ha!” he laughed in a strange way. The smile in his lips were telling her otherwise. She shrugged it off.

“Oh, puh-lease. Dream on. Me? Thinking about you? Yeah. Go to a story book and you’ll state a fact.” she scoffed, rolling her eyes. Natsu just chuckled, which Lucy found very weird.

“You’re very interesting, Heart—whatever your surname is.”

“It’s Heartfilia!” she informed with sheer disdain. “Anyways, why are you at our house on a weekend? Mostly, how did you know my address!? Are you stalking me?!”

“Woah woah. Chill. One question at a time.” he chuckled, overly joyous. “First, is it wrong to visit my girlfriend? I’m thinking about taking you on a date. Second, I have my ways about your informations. Hello, I’m your boyfriend. I must know everything about you. Lastly, I’m not a stalker. Just an admirer.” he winked, while Lucy just rolled her eyes.

Break His Heart [NaLu AU, Book 1 & 2] [COMPLETED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat