Chapter 12

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“Who loves you? Hint: Someone close to you. Literally.”


Lucy was sitting up in her bed, her face still flushed. It was 7 in the evening, and she just finished eating dinner. It looked like she was gonna stay up all night.. which was bad. She didn’t want to stay up all night because she wanted to rest. But she’s restless because of a certain someone. Also because of what he did.

Her heart started to race again as she remembered the scene where Natsu almost kissed her. Why didn’t he do it? Wait, why am I disappointed now? I didn’t want it to happen!! She sighed. Who am I kidding? I wanted it to happen. Gah!! Why do I think like a pervert?! This is embarrassing!!

She opened her laptop to check her email, but then her mind was filled with regret once her eyes had landed on the mail.

Subject: hi

hey, meet me tomorrow?

It wasn’t like she didn’t know the sender. It was there on her screen. @natsu_dragneel. It was sent to her sixteen minutes ago.

No. Just.. no. Why does he keep on haunting me every single time? Why?

Natsu. Everything about him bothered her. A lot.

She didn’t know why, but maybe just because of her curiosity, she replied: huh? for what?

@natsu_dragneel – I just need to tell you something important.

@iamlucyheartfilia – oh-kay.. what time, and where?

@natsu_dragneel – 6 PM. Fairy Café.

Lucy sighed, closing her eyes as she did with her laptop. ‘What was he going to tell me? What am I going to do if he’s already in front of me? How would I act? Am I supposed to act like nothing happened?’ These were the things that stayed in her mind. She rolled around her bed, and soon, she fell into a deep slumber.

The next morning was a bright morning. She woke up to the blinding sunlight that came from her window. Not knowing what to do early in the morning, she decided that she’d go for a jog.

While jogging, she saw something—or someone—from afar. He was very familiar. His appearance, the way he stood. It was all too familiar.

The figure that she saw came nearer towards her. She let out a small and inaudible gasp when she realized who it was. Suddenly, her breathing hitched, and it was now hard to breathe. “Morning. Why are you out early in the morning?”

“N–Natsu.” It felt weird to mention his name. Maybe it was all because of what happened. “Hi?” It was more like a question than a greeting. She felt awkward and suddenly, she doesn’t know what to say.

Natsu shoved his hands into his pocket. “Do you wanna have coffee with me?” he asked casually. Lucy froze. Did he just ask me out on a date? “Are you all right?”

Lucy composed herself. This isn’t a date. I mean, look. It’s too early to have a date. And he asked me if I could join him for a cup of coffee. Obviously not a date. “I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“If that’s the case, then come on.” Natsu held her hand, which made her more panicked than ever.

“C–Can you not hold my hand?” she stammered.

“Why? It’s a normal thing for couples, right?” he asked. Ugh, he was so dumb at times. “Are we not a couple?”

Lucy scratched the back of her head. “It’s not like that. It’s because of the... the...”

Break His Heart [NaLu AU, Book 1 & 2] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now