Chapter 3

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Entering the Detention Room, Lucy sat on the far side of the room. Far away from Natsu. Just to be sure and safe from his flirty actions. Not like she couldn't handle him or anything, but she's too tired to bicker around with him. Besides, if Erza caught her arguing with him, her time would not be spent here, but she'll spend her life on her bedroom, bored to death. You know, she’d be grounded if her parents had knowledge about her punching Natsu.

They stayed silent for what felt like forever. Lucy just daydreamed about Ross Lynch, seeing that she couldn't do anything inside the Detention Room. She's still a girl, so she could still daydream about boys she like. She was happy just sitting in the room, not minding Natsu's business.

But not Natsu had no happiness left in him. Not even a slight happiness. He spent his time complaining silently as to why he's stucked up with the blond for that long. I wasn't that bad to people, was I? I'm not killing any people. Why do I have to suffer?

After a few more minutes of the deafening silence, Lucy broke it. "Don't come near me, ya got that?" She wasn't looking at him as she spoke—she was scrutinizing her nails. You know, just to not make everything super awkward.

Natsu huffed and rolled his eyes at her, "As if I'm gonna come near you after what you did. You wish." He told her blandly. Lucy just 'tsked' at him and brought out her phone, just so she couldn't be bored. She played some games. She was enjoying the game when Natsu spoke. "What's your number?" He couldn't help but ask because she brought out her phone. Lucy, though, in turn, ignored him.

Lucy snickered because she thought Natsu looked like a total retard talking to himself. She was shocked to know that he'll still talk to her after everything that had happened. Anyways, she didn't think detention was gonna be a torture now—she even thought it's gonna be fun because she can make fun of Natsu everytime she wants.

"Ow, come on. Why you gotta be so rude?" Lucy rolled her eyes at this. He already knew that Lucy apparently despise guys like him, and yet he still pleaded her to talk to him. What a complete retard.

"Hey, do you like guys like Gray?" she nearly fainted because of his question. Her heart skipped a beat. She knew it was just a random question, but she just can't help it. I think I still have a crush on Gray. Gah! Lucy! What are you thinking!!?

"What are you even talking about?" she asked, making Natsu grin widely at her.

"So you do like him."

Lucy felt her cheeks heat up. "What!? No!! You're totally insane if that's what you think." She knew that it was palpable—especially in her state right now. But in order for Natsu not to make fun of her, she'll deny everything as soon as possible.

"Quit denying everything, will 'ya? It's written all over your face." Lucy turned away from him. Natsu sneered at her, saying, "You want your secret to be safe?"

Lucy pursed her lips into a thin line. No. I can't be fooled by him. What if.. what if he made me do something ridiculous? No. No. That can't be. I must never lose against this bastard. She have decided. "I ain't hiding a secret, so stop pestering me about it. You're annoying as hell."

"Ah, I see. So you want me to tell Gray your little secret, huh? Might as well tell the whole school, the social media, and maybe even your brother." Natsu jeered. Lucy's throat went dry. She couldn't believe it. Natsu knew his brother, Loki. Has he been stalking me all this time? Maybe he is, seeing that he knows my brother. "Just so you know, I'm not stalking you. Stop assuming. I'm your brother's best buddy in high school." Lucy's eyes widened.

"You mean, you're the little Pinky Pie I met before?!"

"Pinky pie—are you Fluttershy!?"

"The f**k are you babbling about?! I ain't Fluttershy! And wait a minute. Since when did you watch My Little Pony? I know you hate those kinds of stuffs."

Break His Heart [NaLu AU, Book 1 & 2] [COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin