Chapter 37 - The talk

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All eyes snap to me when I enter the room and clear my throat. "No Wes. You aren't moving to Finland and you are not leaving your band or anything else. This has to stop. We have to stop." I speak in a firm voice, leaving no room for negotiation.

I feel my heart thudding loudly in my chest. Stay strong Melina. You can do this.

Drew's and Keaton's jaws have dropped to the floor, shock clear in their features. Wes on the other hand... His body has stiffened with his face completely blank. Usually I can tell what he's thinking but now, I have no idea.

The silence in the room is making me shrink. The air in the room is suffocating and you could cut the thick tension with a knife. Nobody is saying a word or moving, all of them are frozen in their spots. My mind screams to say something but I cannot open my mouth, Wes' intense stare is forcing me to stand still with my mouth shut.

But I cannot take this anymore! I have to say something to break the silence. "Wes-" But he immediately cuts me off. "Drew, Keaton. Leave." He says with an extremely tense voice without breaking his eye contact with me. From the corner of my eye I can see the guys hesitantly moving out of the room, afraid to say anything. When we hear a click from the door indicating they have left the flat, Wes moves towards me.

My heart starts racing, my body afraid of what he will say. His burning gaze keeps me still even though I hear my head telling me to back up with every step Wes takes in my direction.

Melina. Remember. You love him. Focus on that. This is what's best for him. Do this for him. My breath hitches and I swallow hard when he is standing right in front of me. Oh god I can't do this! I can't, I can't.

NO! You have to! If you love him, you'll let him go.

"What are you saying?" Wes asks through his gritted teeth but I can see the hurt in his eyes which he is trying to hide.

I bring my gaze to our feet since I cannot look at him, my traitorous heart is shouting to launch myself on him and never let go. "Wes... I think it's for best if-"

Wes grabs my chin and forces me to lock my eyes with his. "No. Say it to my face." He hisses and narrows his eyes at me which makes my stomach drop. I'm having trouble to breath and the tears pricking in my eyes threaten to fall.

I'm about the break the heart of the man I'm completely in love with.

"We shouldn't do this anymore." I find the strength in me to say as the first tears fall down.

"You are breaking up with me?" His voice his harsh but I can see that my words are like a knife stabbing him.

The hurt in his eyes is making my heart ache. I don't want him to feel like this! But I don't have a choice. I simply nod and close my eyes while more tears run down my face. Wes' warm hand leaves my chin and he takes a step back. I don't dare to open my eyes, I cannot face him. After a moment I hear him pacing around the room. My body jumps startled when I hear a loud crash. I quickly open my eyes to find Wes breathing heavily, his body facing the wall which has now a wet mark and on the ground there's glass shattered all over the floor.

My body is aching to run to him and tell him everything is okay and I won't leave him. But I can't. When Wes has steadied his breath, he turns and closes the distance between us with two angry strides.

His face is fuming when he opens his mouth. "How can you do this?! I love you Melina! Is this because I didn't tell you about-"

I lift my hand to cut him off. "No Wes. This isn't about the baby." Luckily my voice is firm when I speak up. I stare at him intently to let him know that I mean it.

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