Chapter 6 - Secret place

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On Monday morning I do my morning routines before putting on some shorts and a loose tank top over my bikini for meeting up with Wes. I'm barely controlling my excitement of the idea of seeing Wes in a few minutes. I don't know what is it about him but just a thought of him is enough to plaster a bright smile on my face. He just makes me feel utterly happy all the way to my core, something I haven't experienced in a long time.

On the beach when I spot that familiar figure wearing his snapback backwards, my heart skips a beat. His face lights up when our eyes lock and I don't even try to hide excitement. I jump on him without even thinking about it, we've already become close friends so he won't be freaked by it. “Heeey! I’ve missed my tour guy!” A bubbling giggle emerges from my throat. 

He has a matching grin on his face when he gently places me down and ruffles my hair. “It's my Finnish girl! You ready for another amazing day with Wes?” The joy is glistening in his kind eyes.

I want to scowl at him for ruffling my hair but I'm too excited to spend the day with him. "Oh yesh!" I end up clapping my hands together excitedly. I link my arm with his as he guides me to his car.

"Sooo I wish I could've seen you on Saturday night. Your texts were pretty interesting. You wanted to milk a cat, join the synchronized swimming team because you managed to do a perfect wave with your hands? And was there also something about wanting to steal a pink wig from some girl and superglue it on your head? Seems you didn't go through with that one." Wes points at my own blond hair.

My cheeks immediately heats up with embarrassment. Texting while you are drunk is usually not the best idea. "Shut up, it was a great idea at the time." I huff and cross my arms over my chest while a smile is tugging on the corner of my lips.

"Awww don't get mad, I think those texts were cute. Loved to see you drunk some day." Wes says while putting his hand casually around my shoulder.

I shrug it off. "Keep dreaming. I only get drunk with awesome people." I pull my tongue out at him.

Wes gasps and places his hand over his chest. "You don't think I'm awesome? You just broke my heart babe." He pretends to sob and wipe away an imaginary tear while getting in the car.

"Shut up." I murmur even though a smile has already found its way on my face.

Wes drives us to a park where we throw some Frisbee and hang out for quite a while. It's has become somewhat a routine for us to spend a lot of time together just hanging out and chatting. I have to admit I was longing for him during the weekend, Wes' presence just brightens up your day and I missed that.

Apparently there's one more place which he really wants to show me, so here I am lying on the grass and staring at the sky waiting for him as he's picking up his car. The silence makes me think about my life back in Finland. I sigh loudly, there's so much sorrow waiting for me there. I immediately focus my thoughts back to Cali and on my holiday, I really need to enjoy this as much as I can. This is my chance to fill my batteries and I shouldn't let the miseries back home drag my spirit down, these weeks are an escape from them and it's actually been great so far. Wes makes me feel happy and live in the moment. The thought of how I met him makes me chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I hear a familiar voice approaching me.

I turn my head to find Wes walking towards me. "Speaking of the devil! I was actually just thinking about my clumsiness. I literally ran into you twice the day we met but who would have known I gained a friend out of it!" I beam at him.

After mentioning the word friend, Wes' smile seems to falter but it's quickly replaced with a smug smirk. "Well you definitely crashed into the best guy around here", he winks.

Crashing into new waves  - a Wesley Stromberg/Emblem3 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now