Chapter 16 - Walls crumbling down

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The boys and I are laughing hysterically in the pool house. It might be just a little to do with us drinking beer. Well we always have fun so we cannot really give the alcohol all the credit. I was doing my best to keep them away from my bar but let's just say Wes can be very persuasive with his lips. Buuuut even though I agreed on them having a go at my drinks, Keaton only got one coz I don't want to corrupt him.

"Hey hey! I know what we should do, let's play truth or dare!!!" Drew says excitedly.

"Oh man...! Can't we just focus on other games?" I moan since I'm not keen with the idea but the boys won't listen to my complaints, I'm overruled.

"I'll start! Truth of dare?" Drew grins at me, great.

"Eh.. Dare?" I reply reservedly.

"Okay, hmm. Finish this beer." Drew says as he hands me a new one.

"Ok, that's not actually a bad one." I smile and finish it within seconds with the boys cheering me on. I end up burping, the look at each other before completely cracking up. Drew falls on his side and tears stream down on Wes face.

"Oh shut up! It was Drew's fault coz he made me drink it!" I quickly defend myself.

The guys keep laughing and I just roll my eyes. It wasn't that funny. "Okay, okay! My turn! Keaton, truth or dare?" I continue the game so they stop laughing at me.

"Hmm.. Dare!" He smiles brightly.

I ponder a little while to come up with a good one. "Let's see.. Ohh I know!" My eyes lights up when an idea hits me. "I dare you to go outside and tell the first woman you see that she is beautiful just the way she is!"

Keaton stares at me in horror.

I wave a dismissive hand and giggle. "Oh come on. It's not that bad! A lot of women have a low self-esteem so you have a chance to make someone feel special which might even change someone's life." I laugh mentally, aren't I feeling like mother Teresa today.

"That's actually a great idea." Drew suddenly gives me credit.

"Exactly!" I beam happily. Eventually Keaton gets up unwillingly and we follow him on the beach and lucky for him there's a young girl. He walks up to her and taps her on her shoulder, we watch from a distance. Keaton looks so uncomfortable!

I can see him repeating my sentence. The girl freezes which makes Keaton grimace, he must feel so awkward! Suddenly I can see a huge smile forming on her face and she hugs Keaton. Yes!

They talk for a while before Keaton runs back to us with a grin plastered on his face. "Seeeee, you made someone happy, I'm proud!" I hug him when he reaches us.

He immediately blushes. "Yea it felt pretty amazing and I... I might see her later." He says shyly.

My jaw hits the ground. "OH! I got you a date?! Damn, you should always listen to me." I wink at him and link my arm with his. When we get back inside, Keaton gets back on the game. "Wes, truth or dare?"

"Obviously a dare bro." Wes replies without hesitation.

Keaton looks at me apologetically. "Sorry I gotta do this, Wes I dare you to throw Melina into the pool!"

My eyes widen in shock before I glare at him. I can't believe this! I just got him a date and he betrayed me! "It will be my pleasure." Wes says with a smug smile on his face. He rubs his hands together evilly. I squeal and try to escape but Wes catches me in no time and throws me into the pool without an effort. When I surface I hear everyone laughing around the pool. My first instinct is to act mad but it was actually hilarious so I join their laughter when I catch my breath.

Crashing into new waves  - a Wesley Stromberg/Emblem3 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now