Chapter 1 - Goodbye Finland, hello America

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Yeah babee! Today is the day. I cannot believe it!

Balls of enthusiasm swirl around my body and I feel myself getting restless from excitement. Would everyone stare at me like crazy if I started jumping up and down while clapping my hands? Probably. Meh. Don't care coz I don't think I can control my spirit, I'm far too excited! I’m at Helsinki-Vantaa airport, I’m past security and that means my holiday can officially begin!

When I get to a small pub and sit down on one of the bar stools, a cute bartender turns to me.“What can I get you miss?”

Don't you just love the pubs at airports? I certainly do. There something almost magical about them due to the enthusiastic atmosphere created by travellers. I wonder do they sell t-shirts with a print I <3 airport pubs? I would definitely-

"Miss?" The bartender brings me back to reality, I can hear the amusement in his voice.

A slight blush tints my cheeks from embarrassment, I get distracted way too often with my ever so fascinating thoughts. “Well why don’t you give me a nice big pint of cider, thanks.” I smile shyly while taking off my jacket.

He hands me the drink and my face lights up. “Seems you’ve been waiting for this drink for a while huh?” The bartender chuckles lightly.

“Oh you have nooo idea. I haven’t had a vacation in ages and with this drink I can finally begin my holiday!” I beam happily.

“Nice. So where are you heading to?” He leans on his elbows after wiping the bar table with a cloth.

The biggest grin takes control of my face. ”I’m going to California for 5 weeks to visit my brother!”

His brows light up slightly in appreciation. “Wow. Sounds like you have a great holiday in front of you. 5 weeks, that’s pretty awesome! I wish I could join you." He smiles warmly and leans a little closer.

He opens his mouth to say something but suddenly someone cuts him off. “What is taking you so long?? I want some beer, today!” An annoying man shouts from across the bar. The bartender looks a bit frustrated and sighs. I give him an encouraging smile since he has to deal with this unpleasant customer.

“You enjoy your drink and have an amazing time on your holiday.” He quickly writes something on a piece paper and hands it to me. I furrow my eyebrows at his action, what is he doing? He gives me a cute smirk when he notices my puzzled face.

“When you get back from your holiday and if you are not too busy, give me a call.” He hands me the paper and leaves with a wink without giving me time to reply. I'm completely dumbfounded. What just happened? A smile creeps on my face when I look at the number; now this is a way to start a holiday. Even though he definitely was cute, sadly I most likely won't call him. I just don't have any interest in getting involved with anyone at the moment. 

I brush off the small encounter with the bartender and focus on something completely and utterly awesome, I'm going to America!! Oh, I've always wanted to travel there and now I’m going there for five freaking weeks! Can you believe it?! The idea of seeing my big brother Mikko just gets me excited and emotional at the same time. He moved there half a year ago with his wife Niina and their kid since a respected company offered him a very good job opportunity. The contract is for 2 years so we skype a lot but I miss them like crazy especially my nephew Leo who is 4 years and he is the cutest thing ever!

When I found out about my extra long holidays, I immediately asked my brother if I could visit them. They were thrilled so here I am waiting for my flight!

“Flight 041513C to Los Angeles is open at gate 11”, a voice echoes through the halls. That flight is mine. I quickly finish my cider and hurry to the gate.

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