Chapter 31 - My friend is lost

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Mike POV

"No way! You had Mrs. Blooms in English too?! Oh she was the worst!" Joan playfully groans in her hands.

I laugh. "I know! Did she make you recite Shakespeare in front of everyone every time you messed up or disturbed the class?"

She completely cracks up by this. "Oh nooo! I had forgotten about that! God I hated her classes."

I shake my head in amusement. It's insane how small the world is, we figured out we went to the same high school except different years since she is 4 years younger than me. We've talked for quite a while already and I'm actually starting to like Joan.

Originally my plan was to spend the evening alone with Lina, enjoy her company. She was just so excited in being my wingman so I couldn't say no to her, I decided to let her look for a girl for me even though another girl was the last thing in my mind.

But Joan, maybe there's something here. My feelings are pretty strong for Lina but I know she'll never leave Wes, she's loyal. That's another thing I love about her, fuck why couldn't I get to her before Wes?! At least I have her as a friend, I couldn't bear it if I lost her completely. How lame do I sound these days? I prefer to be friend-zoned with the girl that I love than lose her. Guys back at the college would hang me by the balls if they knew but then again Lina would make anyone soft. Damn, I need to work on getting over her. Joan will be a good distraction since she seems pretty great, she could get my mind of Lina... But wait a minute, where is Lina by the way?

I look around me but I cannot spot her anywhere. I furrow my eyebrows, where on earth is she? She hasn't been sitting with us for a long time but I know she wouldn't leave without telling me first.

"Everything okay?" Joan asks. I turn to look at her, she has slight worry in her features. I guess she noticed the change in my mood.

"Yeah. I was just wondering where Lina is, I haven't seen her for a while and I know she wouldn't leave without saying something." I reply while scratching the back of my head. I take my phone out, no message.

"I'm sure she's around. But if you want, I can go check if she's in the bathroom." Joan says softly.

"Could you?" I lift my eyebrows a little in surprise. She smiles and nods. "Of course, be right back."

The second she leaves I take my phone out again and decide to call Lina. After it's been ringing a minute or two, she still isn't pick up. I groan out loud and put my phone away.

I begin to tap the table nervously, I don't know why but I'm starting to have an unease feeling, something just doesn't seem right. I know her, she wouldn't have left without telling me. Maybe there's a reasonable explanation for her disapperance? She's probably in the bathroom. That's it so no need to freak out.

I see Joan walking back, I quickly get up. She has an apologetic look on her face and she shakes hear head slightly. My stomach drops, she wasn't in the bathroom. Where the hell is she then?!

"I'm going to look for her." I try to say calmly but panic is starting to control my voice. I begin to turn away but Joan grabs my hand. "I'll come with you."

"No. It's better if-" I don't finish the sentence. "Nevermind. Two work better than one." I nod my head in agreement and we starts searching the club.

I'm glad she wants to help and isn't complaining that I'm paranoid or something. I don't know what is it about Lina but I feel protective of her, especially after what happened to her in the forrest.

I just have a really bad feeling something is wrong, really wrong.

I see a glimpse of a waiter turning around the corner, I quickly run up to him. "Sorry! You have a second?" I grab his shoulder to turn him around. He seems pretty annoyed but waits for me to explain my business.

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