Chapter 29 - Disappointment

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I'm currently standing in front of the door which leads to the flat where Wes and Keaton live. I'm fiddling with the keys in my hands, Wes gave me them to me because at the moment I'm basically living here.

My nerves have kicked in and my stomach is in knots but at the same time I’m excited. I'm about to go in there to talk to Wes about us. I cannot wait to see the look on his face when I tell him I’m staying!

But what if he tells me he doesn't want me in his future..? When they become famous, how do I fit in their lives? Will I be the pathetic little girlfriend waiting back in LA? See my boyfriend couple times a year since he is touring the world?

Suddenly my eyes widen, oh no no no... There's going to be so many girls after him!! How can I make him stay with me when there are thousands of girls who are way hotter than me and just want sex from him? That's every guy’s dream! I cannot compete with that. If you can have the life a rock star why would you be in a relationship with me?

Melina, stop it. Just stop it. Let's take one step at a time, you have to see first if he wants to be with you. I take a deep breath in and open the door. I hear sounds coming from the living room. My body relaxes and a smile is brought to my face when I find Keaton and Drew sitting on the couch watching TV. I love those guys so much, I really hope no matter what happens I'd at least get to see them now and then.

"Heeey guuys!!! Missed me?" I go playfully pose in front of the TV.

"Totally. What is it, 6 hours since we have seen you the last time? I wonder how on earth we have managed to live without you that long." Keaton rolls his eyes and tries to look past me. Wow I wonder what got him all moody.

I go and ruffle his hair. "It's okay Keaton, I know you love me!" I grin at him.

A smile is creeping on his face but he decides to stick his tongue out which ends up in me rolling my eyes. I sit next to Drew so that I'm facing him. "At least you missed me, riiiiight?" I pull a puppy dog face at him.

Drew cracks up and flings his arm around my shoulder to pull me close. "Of course! Life just isn't the same without one sarcastic finn!"

I try look like I’m in shock by what he said. "Sarcastic, me? Never." This makes him laugh even more. I'm so glad everything is the same between us even after what happened yesterday. We had a long talk about everything, Drew loving me was quite a shock but luckily he understands that I'm with Wes. I also told him if I ever come between the two of them, I'll leave since ruining their friendship is something I won't allow to happen. They are amazing friends, well more like brothers plus they are in a band together so coming between them is not an option.

"By the way, where is Wes?" I ask from Drew.

"He's in his room." I get my reply from a friendly male voice.

I turn my head and my face brightens. I quickly get up and go give him a hug. "Kennyyy! What on earth are you doing here?" I didn't know Kenny was coming over! I've met the guy few times and I loooove him! He's such a bright spirit and it's a shame he isn't in the band anymore but fortunately he’s still involved with music.

His chest rumbles from his typical laughter. "Oh you know, just came to hang out. How are you Melina?" He looks down at me with a little concern in his eyes. I haven't seen him since I woke up from my coma and I feel a little guilty because of it.

"I'm alright Kenny. I'm taking everything day by day." I smile a little, it’s been tough but the guys have really helped me to get through this.

He nods his head sympathetically. "Okay. Well dinner will be ready in a few minutes, I'm making it! Can you get Wes?"

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