Chapter 34 - One step at a time

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I groan in frustration and throw my tie on the bed. How can it be so freaking hard to make some stupid knot on a tie?! I slump on my bed in defeat and take a deep breath to calm down.

It's been a week. A freaking week already! And it's been the worst week of my life. Even what happened to Emily and the guilt which was tearing me apart because of it, is nothing compared to this week.


My girlfriend.

The girl I'm madly in love with.

She's broken, so broken. I have to fight back the tears when I think about her, I've never ever seen anyone so hurt as she is. For a whole week she hasn't said a word to us, not even me! Okay at least she gave her statement to the police but why won't she speak to us, it's killing me! But I guess she isn't ready to start healing yet...

We've been back at her pool house in Huntington for a few days now. When her brother found out about everything, he dragged her back without taking a no for an answer. I didn't argue with him since maybe being with her family could help but I don't think it has. She is either crying or watching into emptiness like she's completely numb as if there's only a hollow shell left. It's so hard seeing her like this! I think my heart has shattered in thousands of pieces during this time.

The next day after her attack when we went to give the statement to the police, I felt so much rage when I found out the attacker was the same guy who was after her in the forest! I never thought I could kill anyone but at that moment it wouldn't have crossed my mind if I had seen him. He did this to her, he scarred her for life!! And now she might never return the same...

I clench my hands into fists thinking how I can control myself today when I see him but I know I cannot make a scene for Melina's sake. She needs my support more than ever as today is court day. Today the bastard is going down.

My goal in mind, I push myself off the bed and grab the tie.

Melina POV

My hands are trembling. I cannot do this, I cannot see him again. One look from him and I will fall apart.

Knock knock.

"Melina, you ready?" I hear my sister-in-law hesitantly asking behind the door.

Everyone's been walking on broken glass around me, afraid that I'll break down with one glance. It's so frustrating, can't people just leave me alone and let me be in my misery? I don't need anyone feeling sorry for me, it's bad enough already as it is but then knowing everyone is looking at me with those sympathetic eyes, it makes everything worse.

"Can I come in?" The door opens slightly as Niina peeks inside. I notice from the corner of my eyes that her face drops and there it is, the sad, sympathetic look on her face when she spots me.

 "Oh sweety... Let me help you." She slowly walks over to me and starts pulling the shirt on me since it was just lying there in my hands as if it didn't have a purpose. I managed to put my jeans on but when I was meant to put on the shirt, the pain just came crashing back and I couldn't continue. That has happened a lot during the past week.

I cannot believe it's been a week already. Originally I was supposed to be back in Finland getting everything ready to move to LA. Mike moved my flights since I have to be in court today. He also told me he talked with Susan, my soon-to-be-boss, that I have some personal struggles at the moment and he isn't sure if I can start working when we agreed. Apparently Susan didn't mind at all and told Mike that I can push the date with another month if I wish so. I find myself lucky; a lot of companies wouldn't be willing to give you that opportunity. After I feel better, I'm going to show my gratitude by being the best employee she has ever had. I hope that it will happen... Ijust feel so tired...

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