Getting in

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A/N I just want to say right now that I own no rights to the basic idea or any of the characters. Also, I hope the chapters aren't too short and you don't mind a lot of dialogue.
Also, if you came here specifically looking for Patrick Jane you can skip to tue chapter titled "Nightmares" if you really want... A lot of the story won't make sense that way though so I don't recomend it.
Please go over to the Mentalist fanfiction awards book and leave a vote in it for me if you enjoy the story.

It takes all of my willpower to keep walking as I arrive at the BAU office in Quantico. The only reason I was here was because of all the high recomendation coming from many of my proffesors. I have no actual experience but finished top of all my psychology class.

I freeze as I reach the door of special agent Aaron Hotchner. I was told he was very strict and very cold. I was actually a big fan of his; I attended as much of his lectures as I could and I also know for a fact that, although he is strict, he wasn't as heartless as he came off.

I was still building up the courage to open the door when it opened without me touching it, revealing Aaron Hotchner. I stood speachless at the sight of him. I didn't think it would be this overwhelming. I hadn't been face-to-face with him for years, would he even remember me?

"Are you going to just stand there with your mouth hanging open or come in?" he asks me calmly, not letting any emotion flow into his words.

'Maybe he's just trying to be objective' I told myself as I walk into his office without an audible word.

He moves behind his desk and, before I can so much as look around the room, starts what sounds alot like an interrogation.

"So, you have absolutely no field experience."

"Is that a statement or a question?" I feign confidence.

His poker face doesn't even twitch "Statement. The question is: how did you even get recommended and why the hell should I accept you, let alone give you any time in the field?"

I feel part of myself cracking under his stoney gaze but I had spent days preparing for this exact situation.

"Jordan Todd. She filled in for agent Jenifer Jareau while she was off on maternity leave. She lied to a victims family to get them to co-operate and you wouldn't give her any field time. When you did give her a chance though, she performed beautifully. All I'm asking is that you give me the chance you gave her."

He stares at me for a few seconds without uttering a word. I stare back defiantly although every bone in my body is telling me to look away.

"Fine. I'll give you two weeks. If you prove yourself by that point, you're on the team. If you don't, you'll have to settle for being lower in the ranks and climbing your way up the hard way. Just because you were the top graduate this year does not mean you should automatically be on my team. Understood?"

I nod.

"Good." he starts looking through a file from the top of a pile on his organised desk.

It takes me a while but I finally realise this is my cue to leave. As I reach for the doorknob he says what I've been expecting the whole time.

"Good to see you again Erica. Send Prentiss my regards."

I look back only to see he hasn't even glanced up from whatever case he's reading. I leave feeling highly elated and fighting to stop the smile threatening to break out at any moment.

He remembered me. I should've known he would. The circumstances we met under weren't something that was easily forgotten.

The smiling urge vanishes when I realise I don't know what I'm supposed to do now; go home? start work? 'Go back and ask him' flashes through my mind but I instantly dismiss the idea. I don't want him to have another reason to prove I was incompetent. He'd made it quite clear that even though he knew me he wasn't giving me any special treatment.

"Hey, do you need any help? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but you seem a little lost." I turn to see a faintly familier pair of blue eyes and blonde hair.

"You're completely right. I'm the new graduate. I went to see Hotch but now I'm not so sure what to do next." I admit.

"Are you staying?" She asks a question to which the answer is pretty obvious and I hear a slight note of surprise in her voice. I guess graduates usually don't.

"I have two weeks to prove myself."

"Well, you should go home and get some rest. Come in first thing tommorow." she turns to leave but stops when I ask her another question.

"Not to be a bother or anything, but what is 'first thing'?"

"Six O'clock would be good." she answers, smiling "See you tommorow!"

"See you." I say quietly, my wave of confidence I'd had with Hotch finally passing. I still had that tidle wave of exitement boiling up inside me threatening to overflow but as I walked to my silver car(I have no idea what the model is off the top of my head) I found it easier to keep inside.

"True courage is being afraid, and going ahead and doing your job anyhow, that's what courage is."

Norman Schwarzkopf

From Victim To Hero: A Criminal Minds Multi-Fandom FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now