Chapter 37

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I rolled over when I heard talking above me.

"Well... when did that happen???" someone whispered.

"They went to bed right after we did... and she obviously didn't stay in his room." Another person whispered.

I pulled the blanket up higher and groaned, trying to get them to leave me alone. It's Harry and Louis I know it... they always like to wake me up. They chuckled lightly and then I heard their big feet thundering up the stairs, waking me up further.

Those damn boys woke me up and now I can't fall back asleep... I tried for about twenty minutes but no luck... I sit up on the end of the couch and see that Andee is still asleep. No one closed the curtains and the bright sun is reflecting off of the blue waves. I rub my eyes, stretch my arms and yawn. Where is everybody???

I stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. Niall's not in here so he's got to still be asleep. I looked out the window and saw a tall pale figure jogging down the beach. That's Rosie. I smiled to myself. She goes on random health kicks every once in a while where she will just totally not act like herself. She goes running and eats vegetables... it's so weird... she is not like that at all so it is so strange to see her that way. It's probably because of all of the junk food we've been eating lately.

I chuckled as I walked away from the window. I put a blanket over Andee before I made my way to the stairs. When I reached the top I noticed that Liam and Zayn's doors were still closed so they were definitely asleep. I walked up to Niall's door and pushed it open slowly.

He was all wrapped up in the covers and was snoring lightly. His hair was messy and I really wanted to fix it... I shook the silly thoughts from my head and kissed his cheek before I left the room.

I can't find Louis or Harry anywhere and I know they are awake because they are the ones who woke me up... damn those boys...

I decided that if I ever found anybody in this god forsaken house I might as well look presentable. So I walked to our room so I could take a shower and change my clothes. When I walked through the door I heard voices from our bathroom...

What the hell???

When I looked through the doorway I saw Harry and Louis standing in front of the sink and looking at them in the mirror. My, Rosie, and Andee's makeup was dumped out onto the counter.

"What the hell are you two doing?!?" I gasped. When they turned to me they both had lipstick and eye shadow in their hands. They each had a big red splotch on their neck.

"We're just trying to conform to the trend you're setting." Harry winked as he put the makeup down. I'm confused... Harry and Louis bolted out of the room before I gasped and rushed into the bathroom.

Sure enough there was a big red blotchy spot on my neck where Niall kissed me last night...

"HARRY!!! LOUIS!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I heard laughter from the hallway as I sprinted out of the room.

"This is obviously your first hickey..." Louis teased as they rushed down the stairs.

I stood still at the top and threw my head back and screamed as loud as I could in frustration. The doors at the end of the hallway flew open as sleepy boys ran out of them.

"YOU TWO ARE GOING TO REGRET THIS!!!" I screamed as I crossed my arms over my chest in defeat.

They laughed as they ran out the door and onto the beach.

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