Chapter 32

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"Can we go home? I'm tired and hungry..." Harry mumbled.

"Yeah. Me too." Zayn mumbled.

"Let's go then." I grabbed Niall's hand and pulled him along with me.

We went out the back so the fans wouldn't see us and then we were on the way home.

"You guys did awesome tonight..." I said after I snuggled into Niall's side.

"Thanks." They all said at different times.

"So are you ready to watch me kick ass tomorrow at my game?" Andee giggled.

"You sure are cocky aren't you?" Harry winked at her.

"I'd like to say confident in myself." She teased and we all laughed. "I just REALLY want to beat this team tomorrow because we have this ongoing rivalry with them... they are really rude and say a bunch of crap to me when I pitch." She explained.

"Well that's not very nice of them..." Liam said.

"No... it's not... that's why I want to beat them so badly." She pounded her fist into her other hand.

"What are we gonna have for dinner?" Niall asked out of the blue which just made everybody laugh. "What?" he was confused. "it's a legitimate question!!!" he defended.

"It's just that..." I barely got out between guffaws. "We were talking about the softball game tomorrow...." I giggled. "And it was just really random."

"oh." He smiled. "But seriously... what are we having?" he asked me, eyes twinkling.

I giggled before speaking. "Mexican?" I suggested.

"Shit yes..." Niall mumble, fist pumping. We all laughed at him again and eventually he joined in.

"But only on one condition..." I trailed off popping an eyebrow. "Harry has to help me..." I stared at him. "Because I've heard he's good with the Mexican food." I smiled.

"Sure." He smiled. "Being in the kitchen is relaxing." He grinned at me.

"Are the vibes perfect in there for meditating or something???" Andee teased him and they started to have a poking war... which I thought was adorable but if I told Andee that she would slap me silly.


"Harry!!! Get your butt in this kitchen!!! You promised my best friend that you would help her with dinner and you are not helping!!!" Andee screamed out the door of the kitchen. I just laughed.

"I'm coming!!! I'm coming!!!" he yelled as he walked in the door. He shook his head and mumbled a curse word I couldn't make out.

"Sorry... but anyone who doesn't go through with their word with me and Ess gets an ass whooping. I don't know if you want to know the degree of ass whooping I can put out." She smiled at him.

"I was in the bathroom!!!" he defended himself.

"Andee!!!" I yelled through my laughter. "Shut up and leave us alone. You'll get your food soon enough little piggy." I oinked at her and she stuck her tongue out before leaving.

"She's a handful isn't she." Harry said as he started to get out the ingredients for fajitas and tacos.

"Yeah... but I love her." I smiled at him.

"I can tell." He smiled right back. "How long have you two been friends?" he asked.

"Well... it's actually a funny story." I laughed before explaining. "We were at Wal-Mart... and we were both in the toy aisle... we were probably four, our mothers knew each other but we hadn't met yet. Anyways, we both saw this Blue's Clues blanket and we were both obsessed with that show so we both wanted it. We fought over it for about five minutes before Andee found a Dora blanket... I was obsessed with Dora also... I got the Dora blanket and she got the Blue's Clues one." I giggled. "I don't know what happened to mine but Andee still has hers... she used to sleep with it and carry it around with her everywhere. It even had a name!!! Blue!!! She doesn't sleep with it anymore but she still takes it everywhere with her. I bet you fifty bucks that if you go up there into that room and look through that bag, that blanket will be in there."

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