HandCuffs And Making Up

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        26.HandCuffs And Making Up

Recap From The Last Chapter:

"Shhh..." A voice behind chuckles.

Before I can turn around a piece of cloth goes over my nose and mouth. I try struggling out the persons grasp but then feel three more people holding me in place.

What the heck is happening?!

Moments Later:

I feel myself getting thrown in a room. I land roughly on a cold wooden floor. Something else gets thrown in and right next to me.

I hear Kurama, Kei, Mizuki, and Ami's voices around me. There's the sound of metal hitting metal and keys. I feel something cold wrap around my right wrist. The thing drags on and the sound of something locking rings through out the room.

I open my eyes slowly but by then they all run out and shut the door. Chuckling and laughing is heard on the other side.

"We will not let you out until you two make up!!" Kei shouts.

I look over to my side to see a passed out Nanami, and we're handcuffed together.

Back To Story:

Why is she in here? Where are we?! I get up slowly and start walking forward, only seconds later I hit a wall. I try another side but end up hitting another wall.

I'm pretty sure we're locked in a closet... I finally find a light switch and flip it on. The light shines in the room and I quickly discover that it's Nanami's closet.

Her clothes are everywhere, including the one she wore to the party. I look back over to her and she's in a plain pink nightgown.

"Nanami?" I knew down and poke her cheek.

She rolls over and snores. Looks like she's still asleep or she's faking it...

"Nanami wake up!" I shout in her ear.

"Five more minutes..." She sighs.

"No wake up now! I have something to say!" I shout.

"Huh? Tomoe is that you?" She turns around and looks at me.

"Yes and-..." She cuts me off by rolling back over.

"Go away..." She pouts.

"I was talking! Now listen to me young lady." I growl.

"No way, all your gonna do is lecture me about my life choices and I'm tried, just leave me alone." She gets up to walk out the room but falls back down because of the handcuffs.

"You can't leave, we're handcuff together..." I raise up my hand to show her.

"What the... Those two little..." Nanami's aura gets all dark.

She starts punching the door like a maniac and shouts for Ami and Kei, I have a feeling this was there plan.

"Calm down! As I said I got something to say!!" I grab her arm and pull her to me.

"Like what sorry?!" She shouts.

"Yes actually..." I look away.

"Oh... That was easier then I thought..." Her voice trails off.

"I found out what happen when I was walking past his penthouse, he was on the phone with somebody and went on and on about how he trick you and stuff..." I go on telling her about everything that happened.

After I finish tears start to form in the corner of my eyes, as do hers.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you... I was just... Scared..." I look back over to her.

"I get it but Tomoe, please the next time I tell you something I want you to believe me..." She smiles weakly.

"I will for now on. Always and forever. As long as I'm with you." I smile.

"But can we ever go back to how we were, as a couple I mean..." She looks into my eyes.

"As long as we make it work." I hold her hands in mine and intertwine our fingers.

"Always and forever." She puts her forehead on mine and giggles.

Our lips only inches apart from each other, our eyes staring into each other, The warm glow of the light in the room, being together in such a tight closet... Alone...

I lean in for a kiss when the door bursts open and that idiot snake is there. The others watching from behind him.

"Did you two make up yet?!" Mizuki cheers.

"looks to me like they did." Kei looks from me to Nanami.

We both pull away from each other blushing. Kurama steps up with keys and unlocks the handcuffs.

"Good and just in time too, we are going to the sauna/ bathhouse!!" Ami giggles.

"We are leaving in two days so let's do it." Kei agrees.

They all walk off planning and laughing and Nanami gets up. I get up as well and we both sit on her bed. She snuggles into my right arm and smiles.

"Looks like we couldn't stay away from each other..." I kiss her head and sigh.

"Yeah, but that just means we love each other too much." She giggles.

"I just hope nothing weird happens tomorrow..." I laugh.

Short chapter^•^

Tomorrow is the last day of school for me. I'm posting this in lunch^•^ the other chapter was in the middle of Spanish.-.

I hate school.



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