Its Not What It Looks Like!!

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         3.Its Not What It Looks Like!!

Nanami's POV:

"What were you two doing in here?" Mizuki looks at us both.

"N-nothing!" I shout.

"It doesn't look like nothing to me... It looks like Tomoe-Kun was putting the moves on you!! I want to also!" Mizuki pouts.

"It's not what it looks like, you dumb snake." Tomoe growls.

Oh no...this is bad. If Mizuki knew what we were doing in here he wouldn't let us be alone again!

"She was cold... It is my duty as a familiar to keep my lady and mistress warm. So I wrapped a warm blanket around her to keep her from freezing." Tomoe says so in a Matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh was that all it was? Well then why didn't you just say so!" Mizuki smiles.

I sigh in relief, regretting it as Mizuki looks at the blanket wrapped around Tomoe and not me.

"Then why do you have the blanket?" Mizuki looks confused.

"B-because... Tomoe looked cold! I couldn't be so selfish to have the blanket all to myself." I nervously laugh.

"Well that wasn't needed... Tomoe-Kun has fox fire running in his blood so he wouldn't get too cold." Mizuki giggles while trying to pull the blanket off Tomoe.

Oh man, I just remembered... Tomoe is shirtless! That blanket is covering him up and if Mizuki takes it off he will see....

"Get off, idiot!" Tomoe shouts as Mizuki continues try and pull the blanket off.

"M-Mizuki!!" I shout.

The snake pulls off the blanket, exposing Tomoe's bare chest that's wrapped in bandages. Mizuki doesn't even get the chance to look when he turns his attention to me.

"What is it Nana-chan?" Mizuki sigh.

He try's turning back to look at Tomoe when I get up quickly and grab his hand. I put my free hand on his face and force him to look back at me.

"Mizuki! Look at me when I talk to you..." I fake pout.

"What is it?" He looks at me.

"I can't do this anymore!" I shout and put my face to his chest.

"Huh? Nana-chan? Can't do what anymore...?" He pats my head.

"I can't go on without telling you... That I... That I..." I pretend to tear up, choking on my words.

"That you what nana-chan...?" Mizuki's attention all on me.

I look over at Tomoe quickly and wink. He nods and covers himself with the blanket, tip toeing out of the room.

My distraction is working to plan!

"That I... I love..." I fake blush as I watch Tomoe tip toe out the room.

"You love?!" Mizuki looks all excited.

Looks like I don't need this distraction anymore.

"I... L-love... Food!!" I shout.

"Huh?" He looks at me confused.

"I love food!" Pull away from Mizuki and wipe away the fake tears.

"That's all it was?!" He shouts.

"Yeah why?" I giggle to myself.

"That's not important right now! I have to see what Tomoe-Kun is hiding!!" Mizuki turns back around to see Tomoe is not there anymore.

"Looks like he got away..." I giggle.

"I've failed as a familiar... I'm going to go drink some sake now... " he pouts.

He walks into the kitchen and I dash out the room to find Tomoe. I later find him in my room, still wrapped around in the blanket.

"Did the snake drop it and went to drink sake?" Tomoe sighs.

"Yup." I walk over to my closet to see if I had anything Tomoe could wear.

I then pull out one of my dad's old shirts that I wear for Pajamas. I hand it Tomoe and he puts it on.

"Thanks..." He blushes lightly.

"No problem..." I blush as well.

"Nanami?" He looks over to me.

"What is it Tomoe?" I look at him.

"Can we pretend that never happened?" He looks away.

"S-sure... It... never... happened." I whisper.

He lays down on the floor and sighs. I sit down next to him and stare up to the ceiling.

"Tomoe... How do you feel about me?" I choke out, my face getting redder by the second.

"You should now that... You are my lady and mistress..." He goes on.

"No I mean... Do you like me...?" I pull my knees to my chest.

"Nanami... I... can't answer that... just yet." He sighs.

"When will you give me an answer?" I look back at him.

"When I can return your feelings..." He sits up.

"Oh..." I look away again.

Just than I feel arms wrap around me from behind. I look back to see Tomoe cuddling up at my back.

"T-Tomoe?!" My face could be a tomato at this point.

"Or maybe I feel the same... And I can't confess just yet until I know this feeling is true. After everything we have been through... Maybe I am feeling the same way..." He whispers into my ear.

"Tomoe..." I whisper so low only he can hear me.

"Nanami... Let me hold you... Just a little while longer." He pulls me to sit in his lap as his tail wraps around one of my legs.

"Okay." I smile as he buries his face to my neck.

I hope y'all are liking the story so far! So much more is to come from this story, it has barley began! ^•^



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