Under My Umbrella

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               18.Under My Umbrella

What Happened Last Time:

Nanami's POV:

"Hello? Mizuki?" I answer my phone.

"Nana-Chan! It's raining hard outside and I took the last umbrella, will you be okay?!" Mizuki panicks.

"It's fine, me and Tomoe have one each packed in our school bags." I sigh.

"But I took the one from yours!!" Mizuki cries out.

"I will figure something out then, don't worry about me." I hang up and shake my head.

"What's wrong Nanami?" Tomoe holds my other hand in his.

"Mizuki took my umbrella... And it's raining hard outside..." I look out the window.

"Then we can share mine." Tomoe smiles.

Back To The Story:

"Are you sure..? Maybe there is another one laying around?" I look around the room.

"No, let's just share mine." Tomoe clears his throat.

He gets up and let's go of my hands. He walks over to his school bag and digs through it. He takes out his umbrella and looks back at me.

"Come on!" He smiles.

He heads out the class with his things, as I follow along behind him. We head downstairs and down to the shoe lockers. We change shoes and stand out by the front to the school building.

The rain pounding hard against the walkway. Tomoe opens up to umbrella and holds it over the rain.

"Let's get going." He smiles.

I step in front of him and underneath the umbrella. He follows right behind and we start walking down to the school gate. We make it out the school and onto the sidewalk.

"Make sure your under the umbrella, I don't want you getting wet, because then you will get sick." He sighs.

"Don't worry about me." I giggle.

I notice him shift the umbrella more my way. To the point where there is tons of extra space. I look over at him to notice his right shoulder getting wet.

"Tomoe!" I shout.

"What? Oh this, it's nothing... As long as your not the one getting wet its fine." He smiles.

I look back to notice his school bag is getting soaked. I let out a small sigh and wrap my arms around his left arm. He looks down at me as I pull him closer to me, to the point where we both fit under the umbrella.

"This is better... We both fit under here now..." I blush lightly as I see him do the same.

"Yes... It does work better..." He looks at me.

I smile lightly and put my head to rest on his shoulder. I wrap my arms tighter around his arm to the point where his arm is resting on my chest.

"Nanami... Are you sure you want to be like this in public?" Tomoe blushes.

"Y-yes... It's fine, we are a c-couple now..." I blush loudly.

"So, sharing an umbrella? Do couples do that all the time?" Tomoe looks up at the rain.

"Well I've only seen it in anime and manga, it's like we're living in a story!" I smile.

(Oh really? ^•^)

"I guess your right. So that would make this a happy ending." He laughs.

"Oh Tomoe! Why do you always like stories that are short, if anything our story will be a long one." I whisper.

"Then I hope it will always stay this way." He leans down and kisses my cheek.

"I bet it will." I nod.

We finally get to the shrine after what seems like forever. Mizuki crying out in the corner like a little baby, the usual. Tomoe puts away the umbrella and our school bags.

I go into my room to change into some Pjamas. I head out my room and look around for Tomoe, he's not anywhere to be found.

"Tomoe?" I look around.

I slide open his room door to catch him right in the middle of him taking off his school shirt. He throws it to his bed and notices me and the door. We both blush loudly and look away quickly.

"I'm sorry!! I'll leave..." I try running out but Tomoe grabs my hand.

"Wait, it's fine... Stay here, I almost finished changing anyways..." His voice trails off.

"Oh... Alright..." I look at his bare chest.

"Nanami?" He looks at me.

I put my head to his bare chest, my finger tips sliding up his bare skin lightly. My arms wrapping around his neck as I kiss his chest softly.

I don't know what came over me, I just felt like I had to do it. I sniff in once, his sweet scent, like fresh rain.

"N-nanami!" Tomoe looks at me surprised, his face all red.

"Make sure to get a good rest, tomorrow is the school festival. Goodnight..." I let go of him and giggle.

"Goodnight..." He waves me goodbye as I leave his room.

Ah... The school festival... I wonder how it will turn out...

This one is sort of short but not really at the same time. Merp, I've been waiting to do a school festival one ^•^ it's gonna be lit!!


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