Chapter 49

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Hey guys! This is the last chapter before the epilogue!!! This chapter will be based off of the episode "Titans Together". I decided it'd be best for most of it to be in Amber's POV, so my apologies if it's not so epic. Enjoy!

(Black Dahlia's POV)

"Patiently, we watched you all, waiting for our moment to strike. You forged your alliance, you trusted without pause, and finally when you thought your world was safe, it fell apart before your very eyes. You are merely pawns in a game, and you have played your part perfectly. There is nowhere you can hide, and there is nothing you can do to stop us. Each small victory brings us closer to an even greater prize: the elimination of an entire generation of heroes. And we owe it all to you, Robin."

I watched as my captive boyfriend was taken out of the shadows, cuffed and all as Dr. Chang and his minions were preparing another freezing session.

My empathic ability was going hay wire in this very moment. Everything Robin held inside, his emotions, I can feel them deeply. And boy, did it hurt.

His guilt, his pain for accidentally selling the good guys to the Brotherhood of Evil was etched into my soul. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to act out, lash out at everyone here and stop this madness. It was the right thing to do, but I couldn't act now.

"Your network has been crushed. Your friends have no way to communicate, or follow your commands. Together, you may be formidable, but apart, you are lost. Powerless. Mine."

I studied Robin as Speedy was frozen inside a tube by Dr. Chang. He was not happy at all. Watching this only deepened the guilt inside of him, and it intensified inside my body.

Don't listen to him! We're going to beat them, and we're going to save everyone, Robin. Please don't let this hurt you. Don't hurt yourself over this!

He's right, Amber. I caused this! Look at all of this!

Don't you dare. Don't you dare feel this way. I'm on the inside. I will get us all out of this, I promise.

"You will fall, one by one. Who among you can possibly stop me now?"

Robin's face contorted into one of pure, raw rage that transferred to me. Slowly, but surely, my eyes darkened to the max in their bloodshot state, accompanied by raging, protruding veins underneath them. My gums actually ached, anticipated something for my teeth to tear into as I stared straight ahead, wanting this to be over.

I want to go home and sleep off this nightmare.

I want to go home knowing we saved the world.

Take them all down when you get the chance.

I nodded with a smile, waiting for that moment to come.

We're going to fight them, and we're going to win.


(Beast Boy's POV)

"Stop!!! Nobody's going ANYWHERE!!!"

Pantha, Mas, The Harold, and Jericho were all attempting to leave as they noticed none of the other Teen Titans were here with me. There isn't time for nit picking! It's either we fight, or we fight!

"We have to stick together. I need all of you with me if we're going to stop the Brain. And we are going to stop him."

I began explaining everything that I possibly could to get us all on the same page. I assumed our little group was all we had to fight, and that everyone else has been captured. Whatever the case, we have to fight, and we have to win this. It's our last shot.

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