Chapter 45

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Hey guys! I have another chapter for you guys. Unfortunately, this is a very short filler chapter to prepare for what's to come, but here it is. I will say this, you guys' opinions gave me a lot to think about. Sorry to be a tease, but I won't give anything away just yet >:)

Happy Reading!

(Amber's POV)

It was one random morning, so many months later, when I let a lingering thought, an idea escape my lips that may have caught everyone off guard.

"What if I find a way to become human again?" I said, causing the entire team's jaws to drop in shock, and Robin's hand cease in running through my blue black hair. 

"Why would you want that?"

Robin was the first to snap out of shock, and looking up at him from our position in the couch, I could see that he was actually serious. He stared at me with an expression full of confusion that I would actually want to be human. I wasn't disgusted with what I was anymore, but I was worried about the team.

I'd say, the worst part of being a vampire, the only one in your group of friends, is the immortality. I really didn't want to live all of my life at the age of seventeen. 

"You're pretty awesome the way you are, Little Blue. Why would you want to change that?" Cyborg chipped in, looking at me with confused eyes. I turned to look at Beast Boy and Raven, who were both quite confused, more Beast Boy than Raven...and then there was Starfire. Though she hid it well, her confusion was there. I could see past the seriousness plastered on her face.

"I miss being somewhat human, " I shrugged with a faint smile, "I'm immortal now because of what I am. That means I'll never age and you guys will. I want to know what it'll be like to consider even the possibility of kids and other stuff."

My faint smile turned into a grimace when I felt the subtle heat on my cheeks, signifying the stupid blush reaching my face in vulnerability and possible embarrassment. 

"I've never thought about it that way," Robin commented, holding my hand in his, "I can understand where you're coming from with the immortality thing. I wouldn't want to be seventeen forever."

Smiling, I was about to speak when my were seeing something completely different, outside of the room.

Faces. There's so many faces. So many criminals. I could name so many of them.

I didn't hear any yelling until the vision was over.


I blinked, turning towards the team.

"What did you see?" Robin's face filled with worry, along with everyone else. I hadn't had a vision in so long.

"How long has it been?" I asked.

"Five minutes."

I inhaled, nodding in understanding.

"It's bad, isn't it?" Robin's hand gently caressed my face, while his other one held my hand tighter.

"I saw so many criminals, several that we've fought before. We're all in trouble if we don't start gearing up."

Black Dahlia will have to come out and play.

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