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Today is the day. The day of the wedding. Let's see how this goes shall we? (The paragraphs may be long. I"m sorry about that? Hey it's better than nothing!)


Jade looked at herself in the mirror and her mother hugged her. "I'm proud of you honey, you look beautiful", mom said. "I wonder what Jesy's wearing. I'll look better than her though." "Of course you would. You know you'll be with her forever right?" "Y-yea. I'm worried mom." "You'll be fine. I think your father is at the door, get ready." She took her fathers arm and stood by the door then took a deep breath. "I can do this, I can do this." The door opened and the music began playing as everyone stood up. "Wow, Jesy looks pretty. I expected her to wear something else but she looks better. A beautiful tight white dress and it's sparkly. She's beautiful." She stepped on the podium and stared at Jesy. "You look beautiful", Jesy whispered. The priest talked and talked, "Please pass me the rings." Everyone awed they saw James in a suit and bought the rings. "Here mommy", he said. "Thank you." Jesy bent down and kissed his forehead then took the rings. The priest talked some more, "Now do you Jade Amelia Thirlwall take Jesy to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do." She smiled and put the ring on Jesy's finger? "Do you Jessica Louise Nelson take Jade to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "Of course I do." Everyone laughed as Jesy put the ring on Jade's finger. "Now that that's all over and you've been waiting to do may now kiss the bride." Jesy pulled Jade's veil up then kissed her while spinning around. Everyone clapped and they took each others hand. They ran down the aisle and into the limo. "I love you Jesy." "I love you too. You really do look beautiful." "You do too." She kissed Jesy once more and hugged her.

"THEY CAME!" Jade and Jesy walked towards their table and sat. "You two look like you had fun", Perrie said pointing to Jade's neck. "Umm...yea. Ooh food." "Mommy, mommy, mommy!", James said running. "Hey! Did you eat anything?' "No I was playing." "Go eat then play." She took Jesy's hand and gave her a kiss. "When are we going on out honeymoon?", Jade asked. "Tonight." "Tonight?" "Yup. Our suitcase are in the limo and we can change in there and go to the airport." "Where are we going?" "Paris." She gasped and hugged her. "Oh my gosh. Thank you, thank you, th-." "Shush. Just kiss me." She kissed her again, "I will never ever forget this day. I love you so much." "I love you too." They sat down as the sound of someone hitting the glass spread through the air. "I would like to make a toast to Jade and Jesy. Today is the day, a day they won't forget. When I first met Jade was during high school and I didn't want to be her friend because everyone jumped to conclusions about her. It all started with a science project and everything changed. She became like a sister to me and it was great. It was like watching my Jade grow up. Congrats Jade and Jesy and I love you both", Niall said. Everyone clapped and Jade smiled.

"Well I guess if everyone is doing this, I'll do it too", Jesy said standing up. "Aww Jesy." "It all started in high school. I always thought Jade was a cool girl but I never had the guts to hang out with her because I was one of the popular girls. But I finally got the chance one day and the next and the next. I had to save this girl twice as you all know about Harry Styles. I remember how everyone was cruel to her about that. We shared our first kiss and I realized I was falling in love with this girl. It was the best experience of my life because look at where we are now. We went from girlfriend to fiance and now we're married. I love you Jade." Everyone clapped and Jade wiped a tear. "That was beautiful Jesy." "Your beautiful." She kissed Jesy and pulled apart as they shared cake. Jade slipped out a yawn as her eyes got droopy. "Aww, is Jade tired?", she asked. "N-no. I'm just happy." "We can leave now if you want." "No, I'll tell you when I want to leave." "But...our plane." She yawned again, "I'm tired." They got up and James walked towards them. "Mom, I'm staying at Aunty's house right?", he asked. "Yea." "I'll miss you." "Bye honey." Jesy picked Jade up and carried her to the limo. "Jesy..." "Mhm." "I'm still tired." "I know you are, I'm helping you change." She yawned as Jesy changed her and put her head on her. "Get some sleep babe", Jesy said kissing her forehead. "Night."

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