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"JADE!" She turned around seeing three people run to her. "Don't jump on m-!" Too late. "Oww..." "Jade we missed you. Especially me", Jesy said. "Aww I finally feel loved." "You were always loved." Jade blushed and squealed. "Sooo....does anyone wanna hang out tonight now that I'm back?" "Yes! We could uh...have a about we just....I got nothing." "Actually there's a party tonight hosted by Zayn", Niall said looking at Perrie. "Stop it. I'm not going!" "Perrie, you know you want Zayn back. Give it a shot." "He clearly said I'm done with you. I'm not going tonight and nobody can make me!" She turned around and ran into Zayn. "Your not coming tonight?", he asked. "No. I'm not. Have fun tonight guys." "Ok...what's wrong with her?", Zayn asked. "Oh...nothing." "So are you guys coming tonight?" "Yeah we'll be there." "Good. make sure you tell Perrie to come along too. She never misses parties." "We'll try but here's one thing you should know", Jade said. "What? What is it?" "No poles."

"So this is what his house looks like. It's nice", Jade told Jesy. "I guess." "I'll get some drinks", Niall said. "Hello ladies....and Niall. Perrie didn't come?", Zayn asked. "Nope." "Oh. Ok. Well you guys have fun." "Ok." "What? I totally came." Jade smiled and turned around. "Perrie, you came. Typical you." "Of course I came. I could never miss a party. Especially Zayn's." "Well Jesy and I would be somewhere around the house. Don't look for us", Jade said taking Jesy's hand. "Do you think we should leave Perrie out there? Whenever she drinks....she's a different person", Jesy said. "She'll be fine." Jade closed the door and sat next to Jesy. "Let's talk about us. Where do you think this relationship is going?" "Umm....far?" "No. Do you think it's gonna last?" "Of course. This may sound cheesy but we were soul-mates. You just never saw it from day one." Jesy put her hand on Jade's. "Your making me blush. Stop it." "Keep blushing that's how I know you love me", Jesy said and kissed her nose.


Perrie took some vodka and slowly poured it in a cup. "PERRIE! What do you think your doing?", Jesy asked. "Umm....drinking something. Why?" "Don't ask me why. You know what happens when you drink." "Alright mom. I'll just go ask Zayn for some water. Why don't you go make out with Jade or something?" "Good and maybe I will do that. JADE!" Perrie shook her head and drank. "Hey Perrie." "Hey Zayn." "I thought you'll miss my party but I guess you didn't. I'm glad you came", he said. "I'm glad I came." "So've you been?" "Good. You?" "Fine." She rubbed her arm and looked down. "So uh..I'm going to go look for everyone else. See you later?", she asked. "Yeah see you later." Perrie sighed and walked around looking for everyone. She walked up to Jesy who was making out with Jade. "Jesy, I wanna go home." "Really?" "Yeah. This party is boring. Please?" "Fine. I'll get Niall, I'm not driving." She followed Jesy and walked to the car and sat in the front. "Are you and Zayn back together?", Niall asked. "No why?" "N-no reason." "Umm..ok."

"Perrie? Where the hell were you?", mom asked. "Uh...I was at my friend's house." "You were huh at 12:00 at night?" "Yeah....I uh fell asleep and got up then ran here." "Don't you dare lie to me." "Fine. I was at a party." "Again?", she asked. "Yeah it's nothing." Perrie started walking upstairs and her mom stopped her. "You better get a shower before your dad comes home." "Whatever." She ran to the bathroom and turned on the shower. "She can't tell me what to do. I can do whatever I want when I feel li-." There was a rustling outside. "That's....weird." She heard the sound again and walked closer to the window. BAM! Perrie screamed and fell to the floor, hitting her head. "Ah..." She woke up and felt her head. "What happened?" "MOM!? DAD!?" "Honey, your awake. Are you feeling better?" "Wh-what happened?" "You fell while you were in the shower." "What? No. I didn't fall. Something scared me and-." "You did fall. Now it's late and you have school tomorrow so get to bed", mom said. "But-." "Now."


"You like her don't you?", Jade asked sitting in front of Niall. "What? Like who?" "Don't play dumb with me Horan. I know you like Perrie." "No I don't!" "Yes you do. You know you do. Admit it Niall, you like Perrie Edwards." Niall hid his hface into his arms and blushed. "I never had a crush on a girl after we broke up. I. Do. Not. Like. Her", he said. "Ok. I believe you." "Good." "I'll just go tell her myself!", Jade said. Niall grabbed her hand and sat her on his lap. "Don't say anything. I don't like her ok?" "Ok." Niall picked up Jade and sat down, patting her head. "Good girl." He looked side to side noticing Perrie walking in the hallways. "Hey Niall." "H-hi. Uh...I was wondering if you like to see a movie tonight." "Sorry, I can't. I have to study for the SAT'S that's coming up soon. It's sucks." "Oh ok. Another time?", he asked. "Sure."

Niall walked up to his room and sighed. He heard a beep come from his phone

JADE: U little liar.


JADE: Perrie just told me u literally asked her on a date. TnT

NIALL: I only asked 2 go 2 a movie....cute face btw.

JADE: Thx and tht proves tht u do like her.

NIALL: .........uh no.


NIALL: FINE! I DO! kinda....sorta....

JADE: I would come ovah 2 help but...I'm studying with Jesy.

NIALL: Oooooh studying with ur girlfriend. Tell me how tht goes later.

He put his phone down and looked out the window. "This is the third time Niall. Hold yourself together you fucking play-. Is that Harry? And is that a rock coming towards me?" Niall quickly ducked and heard his window cracking and a car going off. "What the hell is going on?"


"Ok, time to study", Jade said. "Blah blah blah. This test is gonna be hard." "That's why studying comes in handy. Oww...." "What? Is it your stomach?", Jesy asked. She lifted up Jade's shirt and looked at the stitches. Jesy smiled then kissed her stomach. "Mwah! Heal." "It tickles." She kissed it again, "Mwah! Heal. Mwah! Heal." Jade started laughing. "I'm putting my shirt down so you can stop", she said. "Aww. Ok." "Wanna watch something instead of studying? I'm missing Pretty Little Liars." "Please." Jesy got up and lied down in the couch while Jade turned on the tv. "Guess who has a crush on Perrie?", Jade asked lying on top of her. "Who?" "Niall." "Can we tell her?", she asked. "No." Jesy looked in Jade's eyes and quickly gave her a peck on the lips. "What was that for?" "Just...nothing." She hugged Jade's waist and continues watching tv.

"Jesy?" "Yes Jade?" "I think there's someone or something outside." "Wanna go check?", Jesy asked. "No." "Scaredy cat. I'll do it myself." Jesy rolled to the floor and opened the door. She looked side to side seeing nothing. "See? There's nothing outside." "Hurry up and come inside!" "Ok ok." She walked back inside and jumped on Jade. "Oof. Are you staying here tonight?", Jade asked. "I guess. The dinner is tomorrow." "Yeah! Food!" "How did your mom react when you told her you were bi?", she asked. "She cried. When my dad comes to visit from her job, I'll tell him. My brother is cool it." "I'm glad you told her." "Ok seriously there's something outside", Jade said. "I'll look again." She opened the door again and heard a car screeching. "Again no-." BANG! BANG! "GET DOWN!", Jesy yelled. Jade hid under Jesy as the gunshots continued. Next thing you know, it's over. "Jade, you ok?" "I'm fine you?" "Scared but  fine. Now I'm really staying with you tonight."


                                                                                                                               #Betweenthelions. *

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