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Hello. I am the author of this story (obviously) and I would like you guys to know a few things that happened int this story for the past months. Now that Niall and Perrie are in college, Jesy and Jade are still living in the apartment. It's finally month nine for Jade. Let's take a look at what their doing, shall we?


Jade sat in the couch and turned on the tv. "Jesy went to work. I'm so glad she found a job. We've been dating for a year, finally." She felt a kick in her stomach and gasped. "Holy shit, my water just broke." She started to panic and called Jesy. No answer. She called again, no answer. "Oh m god, oh my god. Wait, Niall and Perrie should be here from college!" Jade called Perrie:

PERRIE: Hey Jade! I'm home and missed you!

JADE: *grunts* Perrie can you come over?

PERRIE: Why, what's wrong?

JADE: PERRIE! I'm in labour!

PERRIE: Oh shit, I'm coming!

Jade started panting hard and heard the door open. "Hey Jade! I ma-. Jade are you ok?" "N-Niall...I'm. In. Labour. Help." Niall ran towards Jade and sat her up. "NIALL! IT HURTS!" "I know, I know. I'm gonna take you to the hospital." "I can't do it without Jesy." "Don't worry." He gave her a jacket then walked outside. "Jade. NIALL! I came as fast I could!", Perrie said panting. "C'mon Perrie, we're taking her to the hospital."

Jade started breathing hard and squeezed Perrie's hand. "Deep breaths Jade", Perrie said putting Jade's hair in a ponytail. "C-can Jesy one more time?", Jade asked. "I called and texted her. She didn't respond." She grunted and Perrie wiped away her sweat. "CAN YOU DRIVE ANY FASTER NIALL!?" "I'M TRYING! IT'S DECEMBER YOU KNOW! STOP YELLING!" "HOW ABOUT YOU PUSH THIS BABY O- ARGH! OH MY GOD!" "Jade stop yelling and calm down!" We're almost there ok Jade? Deep breaths." "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I CAN'T....JESY!", she yelled. "We're here", Niall said parking the car. He picked Jade up and ran inside. "We need to get her to room." "I need you to sign these papers a-." "GET ME A FUCKING ROOM BEFORE I HAVE THIS BABY ON YOUR FUCKING FLOOR! YOU DON'T WANT THAT NOW DO YOU!?" "I'll get a wheelchair." Jade sat in the wheelchair and been pushed into a room. She quickly got changed and lied down in the hospital bed. "Niall give your hand." He gave Jade his hand and she squeezed it hard. "OWW! GOD DAMN IT JADE!", he yelled letting go." "Alright, I need you to get out of here so I can take care of Jade please", the doctor said putting gloves on. They left the room, "Ok Jade, I need you to push." "I-I can't." "Yes you can, just try." Jade screamed, "WHERE IS SHE!? I CAN'T DO IT WITHOUT JESY!"


Jesy ran to the hospital and found Niall and Perrie in the lobby. "Where's jade?" "She's in room 124." She ran to the room and started panting. "Jade." "Jesy!" She sat next to Jade and took her hand. "C'mon Jade you can do it", Jesy said. "I CAN'T!" "I know you can do it." "I need you to push", the doctor said. Jade yelled and squeezed Jesy's hand. "Damn my hand hurts. Now I can feel her pain", she thought as Jade screamed again. "C'mon a couple more!" "OH MY FUCKING GOD! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JESY!" "I love you too, listen to the doctor." She felt Jade squeeze her hand tighter as she screamed louder and heard a cry. Jesy saw a little baby crying and looked at Jade who was panting hard. "Babe you did it! You really did it!", she said kissing Jade's cheek. Jade panted, "Yea...I did. I did it." The doctor handed Jade the child and she walked out the room to the lobby. "So?", Perrie asked. "Well, I'm a mom." They cheered and walked in the room. "Hey guys." "JADE!" "I'm proud of you", Jesy whispered and took the baby. "He's so cute and tiny. He has Jade's eyes", Perrie said playing with his hat. She sat next to Jade and kissed her. "Hey, not in front of the baby!", Niall said. "Well what did you name him?" Jade smirked, "James. We're naming him James." "That's my middle name." "The three J's Jade. I love you and I'm proud of you." "Me too."

"Spending a week with James was amazing. Christmas was great as well. I can't wait to see our little boy grow." "Time for bed James", Jade said picking him up. Jesy waited in the chair until Jade came back and sat next to her. "He' asleep, what do you want to do now?" "You should already know the answer to that." "I don't think I'll remember. It's been months." "Just follow my moves." She kissed Jade and layed her down slowly then kissed her again. Jade kissed back and put her hands on Jesy's lower back. Jesy sucked on Jade's neck then took her shirt off and James started crying. She sighed and watched jade walked away. "I'll be back", Jade said. "I'll be waiting." "Ok." "I want to be alone with Jade. without any distractions. I love James but it's been months and I'm getting concerned", she thought and walked to James room. She found them sleeping and put James in the crib then picked up Jade. "Mmm...Jesy. Is he..sleeping?", Jade asked. "Yea. Now I'm taking the other baby to bed." "Ha, ha. Very....fu-nny." They fell in bed and Jesy kissed Jade's cheek. "I love you." No answer except the sounds of Jade softly snoring.


Niall and Perrie sat in the bench then looked at pictures. "Aww look at James, he's so cute when he's sleeping", Perrie cooed. "He is. I'm glad they named him James. I'm finally an uncle." "Don't forget I'm an aunt." "A pretty aunt", he said kissing her. "NIALL! MY BRO!" He looked up, "Cory, what are you doing here?" "My dad lives here. So I came here to visit him for the holidays. Who is this pretty girl?" "This is Perrie, my girlfriend." "Hi." "Hey, Niall talks about you all the time. He won't shut up." "He does huh? What do you say Niall?" "I say your pretty and I love you." Niall kissed her again and looked at Cory. "So how's your girlfriend?" "She's cool, thanks for setting us two up. I have to go see my dad. It was nice meeting you Perrie." "He's nice. Wanna come over my place?",Perrie asked. "Yup. With pleasure." They walked to Niall's house and into his bedroom. "I missed you so much." "I know you did. It's been about...6 months, who wouldn't miss this?" "I don't know, somebody who doesn't like you? I wonder what happened to Zayn." "He's gone and if he comes back I'll be here to protect you."


"Perrie, I have to leave", Niall said. "Aww why?" "I have to do something. I'll see you tomorrow ok?" "Ok. Bye." She turned on the tv and heard a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opened, "Hey Jade." "Perrie." "How's James and Jesy?" "Their fine. Jesy won't stop staring at me when I breast feed James." "That's funny." Jade sat next to Perrie and took her hand. "Remember how you had a crush on me?", Jade asked. "Where is the leading to?" "Do you still have those feelings?" Perrie got up and locked the door and closed the windows. "Wh-what ar-?" She leaned over Jade and kissed her neck then kissed her. Jade kissed back and slipped of her pants.

*I don't want to get into details...I bet you don't want to read a paragraph about sex do you? This lasted for 1 hour.*

Perrie started breathing hard and kissed Jade once more. "Th-this...never happened ok?" "Y-yea. I didn't think this will happen to us. I'm shocked." "Jesy called me five times, she's probably worried by now." "Can I have one more kiss?", Perrie asked. "I think you had enough, I should head on home." "C-can you stay for a while?" "Fine." She turned on the tv and hugged Jade. "I'm sorry if I put you through all of this." "It's ok, I won't remember anyways."

Perrie walked towards Starbucks and sighed/ "Again, she won't remember anything. She always does this, it bothers me so much. Poor Jesy though, if she found out she'll be detested. I should just leave Jade alone so her life will be perfect." She took her latte then walked outside and bumped into Jesy. "Hey Jess...why are you crying?" "I-I think Jade's been cheating on me." Her eyes widened and she started panicking. "Why? Why do you think that?" "Every time I you know...she acts weird. I-I don't want to break up with her." "Maybe she's not ready yet. It's been months you know", Perrie lied. Jesy wiped away a tear, "You think so? Should I just wait till she's ready?" "Yea. C'mon, I'll walk you home." They walked inside the apartment and walked inside to find Jade crying. "Woah. Jade, why are you crying?", Perrie asked. "I'm sorry Jesy. I-I don't know what I did to make you run out like that but I'm not ready yet..." "So your not cheating on me?" Perrie and Jade jumped, "I'm not Jesy. I love you." She sighed and stepped backwards then closed the door. "She did it again. I'm done now. It's all over."

* I forgot to tell you guys, Niall's family got their house fixed after the fire. *

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