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"Good morning beautiful. Did you have fun last night?", Harry asked. "Do you call going to a strip club fun? I don't think so." "But the men liked it and so did I. It was entertaining and sexy." "I don't care." Harry bent down and moved closer to Jade's face. "Get away from me YOU MONSTER!", she yelled. He kissed her and she moved her head side to side. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME! I DON'T WANT ANY OF YOUR SHITTY KISSES!" Harry stood up and grabbed the metal pipe again and walked closer to her. She started crawling backwards and shook her head. "No no no no no no. Harry I'm sorry. Please don't hit me, please don't hit me", she said and he swung and hit her stomach. Jade screamed again and again and cried. "Next time you better watch what you say." He walked out leaving the pipe on the floor with blood surrounding it. "Please. Anybody please come and find me before I die", she whispered.


Jesy woke up and started breathing hard, crying. "Jesy you ok?", Perrie asked getting up. "Yea I just uh...had a nightmare." "Was it about Jade?" "Y-yea. I don't want to find her and she's dead. I can't live without her or spend my life without her." "She'll be alive don't worry. Right now, we should be heading to that bank." Jesy nodded and sat up and Perrie started the car. "This is the bank Harry went to. It's next to the strip club", Jesy said. They closed the door and walked inside. "Excuse me ma'am, have you seen this boy?", Perrie asked holding up a picture of Harry. "Actually I did see him. I remember him from this morning. He left though I'm sorry. Can I help you?" "Do you think you can check his account and see how much money he took out?" "Let me check really quickly." Perrie smiled at her and walked back to Jesy. "Girls, I found something. He took out 1,000 dollars and added 2,000 to his account. Somebody also printed this out. It looks like a riddle or something."

Jesy took the paper out the ladys' hand and walked next to Perrie. "Another riddle", she whispered.

HARRY: I'm glad you found out where I was but would you solve this one?

Congratulations, you solved the clue

Now this one might leave you in the blue

Your trashy girl may be left in a world

Hitting her in the stomach more makes her hurl

With a material made of many things,

Fling it in her head to make her sing

Slap in the face to make her sore,

Do you think you can solve these riddles once more?

"What? I don't get this one. There's no clues or anything", Perrie said. "He did say it'll leave us in the blue. But the only thing I found out was he's really hurting Jade and we need to find her fast." "But we need to solve this before we go! Think Jesy. It might leave you in the blue, hitting in the stomach to make her hurl, fling in her head to make her sing? THINK JESY THINK!", Perrie yelled. "I CAN'T THINK! OK!? I can't. After knowing what's happening to her, that's all I'm thinking about. I can't think." Perrie walked closer to Jesy, "Yes you can. Just think about the riddle, figure something out." Jesy sat down and covered her face. "I can't think of anything. World? Blue? Hurl? It doesn't connect and its not going in my hea-. World and blue. Perrie, I think I got it but it makes no sense. I'm thinking Orlando Resorts but he wouldn't take Jade that far. Would he?" "Who knows think about it again I'll get us something to eat." Jesy stood up and paced around then felt someone's hand on her mouth, pulling her.

2 Hours Later.....

"Jesy?" She blinked rapidly and saw Jade, dirty and crying. "Jade, I missed you so much. Are you ok?" "NO! JESY WATCH OUT!" She turned around and saw Harry hitting her in the head and everything went black. "JESY!? ARE YOU OK!?" She opened her eyes and noticed Perrie hovering over her. "P-Perrie? Where's Jade I just saw her and-and. What happened?" "You blacked out for two hours. Your probably stressed maybe we should give this as break and tell the police." "We can't tell them Harry said tell them and I'll do worse to her. He'll probably kill her." Perrie sighed and walked Jesy to the car. "Now should we go to Orlando or think about it again?", she asked. "I don't think he went to Orlando. Maybe he's making us think that he went to Orlando but for some reason I think their at a dump. Trashy equals dump. All the stuff he does to her is trash. I think he wanted us to focus on blue and clue." "There's the Jesy I know. Welcome back", Perrie said slapping her back.

Perrie drove the dump and covered her nose. "I really don't like garbage. Can we just hurt up and get out of here?" "Yea, let me find something." Jesy looked around and found a paper sticking out of the recycling section. "Perrie, I found something." Perrie walked over to her and took the paper out of Jesy's hand. "It says nothing. It's blank." Jesy's phone buzzed and she took it out.

HARRY: You finally got it after I knocked you out. 

Here's the last and final clue

You better hurry up or there's someone you'll lose.

Shine the light to the right

Maybe give you a fright.

Look in a abandoned place where you might fret

When people walk by they won't take a step

Hurry up your wasting time

Before your precious girl won't last a dime.....

"Hop in the car quickly!", Jesy said and started running. "Where to?" "I'm thinking about it. Shine the light to the right? It might give you a fright? Perrie turn!" Perrie turned right and saw a wooden abandoned house . "Jesy...I'm scared. This place is scary", Perrie whispered. "Me too. Let's go."


"Guess what Jade? Your friends are here to save you. I have a little surprise for them", Harry said. "Pl-please don't hurt them. Hurt me I don't want any thing bad happening to them. Especially Jesy." "Jesy huh? You love her so much don't you?" "Y-yea." "Good." He heard a knock on the door and took a knife and held it towards her stomach as the door slowly opened. "JADE!", Jesy yelled. She started moving closer and Harry stepped into the light still holding the knife. "I'm glad you found me", Harry said. "H-Harry, please put the knife down. You don't wanna do this to her." "Maybe I do." "Jesy, Perrie don't move any closer hurts", Jade said crying. "Shut up before I actually do it." Jesy and Perrie walked closer. "Maybe you should listen to her, this thing will go deeper in her body", Harry suggested. "Please don't do this to her. We didn't come all this way Harry. PUT HER DOWN!", Perrie yelled. "Let me think. No. You see Jade, your precious Niall didn't come to save you this time." "You expected Niall to come?", Jesy asked. "No, I didn't care who came." "SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU! DON'T YOU SEE WHAT HARRY'S TRYING TO DO!?", Perrie asked. Jesy walked closer to him and he stuck the knife in her stomach a little. "Jesy it hurts..."

"Don't. Move. Any. Closer." Harry pulled Jade's hair and smiled. "Any last words to say Jade?", Harry asked. "Umm....Jesy, this may be the last time I'm saying this to you but I love you." "Jade please don't say that, your not gonna die. Also Harry you might wanna look behind you." He looked behind him and saw Perrie jump on him and pull his hair. "C'mon Jade", Jesy said sticking her hand out. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!", Harry yelled. He walked backwards and hit threw Perrie on the floor and kicked her in the stomach. He walked closer to Jade who was struggling to Jesy with the knife in his hand. "JADE LOOK BEHIND YOU!", Perrie yelled. She turned around and Harry stabbed her. In the stomach.

JESYS POV (again)

Everything went in slow motion. Jesy ran to Jade and picked her up and ran to the car with Perrie following her. "START THE CAR!", Jesy yelled. Perrie started speeding to the nearest hospital. "Jade. Jade. Jade. Please don't leave me", Jesy said. She patted Jade's sweat and held her hand. "J-Jesy....I don't- I don't think...I'll make it." "Don't say that. We're almost there. Does it hurt?" She nodded slowly and started breathing hard, squeezing Jesy's hand. "Jesy, we're here", Perrie said. Jesy got out the car and dragged Jade out, carrying her inside. "Hello miss, who are you here for?", the nurse asked. "Nobody I really need to take her to a room please. She just got stabbed and I need her to be helped." "I'll get a a stretcher." The nurse quickly ran out with a stretcher and three doctors and they pulled her into a room. "Can I come?", Jesy asked. "No, we'll take it from here. Wait in the waiting room please." She buried her head in her hands and started crying. "Please be ok Jade...."

* What happened to Harry? Who knows who cares :) *

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