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"Why did you kill Harry Styles?", a detective asked. "I want to see Jade." "Is that your boyfriend?" "Girlfriend." "So what were you doing with a boy?" "HARRY IS EVIL AND I'M GLAD HE'S DEAD!" "You are huh?", he asked. "Can I please see Jade?" "Ok. When I come back you have to tell me. Do you want anything to eat?" "No thanks." There was a buzz and Jade sat in front of Jess. "Thank god your not wearing orange. How is it so far?" "Tiring. I'm not telling him anything though." She took Jade's hands and frowned. "C'mon Jess, turn that frown upside down. If you tell him everything that happened, he'll understand. Everything except what's happening now." "I can't. I don't know what to do." Tears fell down her face and whimpering slipped out her mouth. "I don't want you to leave me Jesy. Not again. You know I won't be the same." She nodded, "I don't know what to do. I'm just really scared. I don't want to lose you either." "You have two minutes left", a police said. "Just tell the truth and everything will be fine. I promise." Jesy nodded as Jade left the room and the detective came in. "Now are you gonna tell me why you killed him?" "Its a long story. Should I start from the beginning?" "If you want but I want the truth." She sighed and began the story. From the beginning.

"What a story. I will tell the police, for now you can go home. Good luck." She got up and found Jade sleeping in a chair. "Jade....wake up." "Mmm...five more minutes Jesy. JESY!" Jesy fell to the floor and Jade kissed her. She kissed back and put her arms around Jade's waist. "Can we not do this here? It's awkward." "Sure, I really missed you." She took her hand and sat on a bench outside. "So what happened in there?", Jade asked. "I told him the truth and they'll see what happens. I hope everything will be fine so I can spend my years with my beautiful girlfriend." "All your years." Jesy gave her a kiss and heard someone coughing. "Erm....sorry to interrupt Jessica but I have news for you", the detective said. "What is it?" "The police is not so sure on your story so you'll have to see a judge on Saturday. Have a nice day you two." She took Jade's hand and squeezed it. "I don't wanna go to court. Harry's parents will be there and they might criticize you and me." "You can't skip it. You have to go. Just like you said, we'll make this work. Now let's get home and get your outfit ready for tomorrow." "Ok. Let's go."

Jesy put on a black blazer and put her hair in a bun. "Jade, should I keep my hair up or down?" "I don't care. You like fine." She sighed and looked in the mirror. "I'll leave it down. Are you ready to go?" "Yeah let me do one thing first." Jesy felt Jade suck on her neck then kiss her cheek. "JADE! Y-YOU! WHY'D-why'd you do that before we go to court!?" "I love you, let's go." She rolled her eyes and drove to the court room. "Jesy." "Mom. Did dad come?", Jesy asked. "No. Jade's family is here are you ready for this?" "" "You can do this honey. Now go in there and we'll be in the audience." She walked inside, holding Jade's hand and everyone gasped. "YOU KILLED MY PRECIOUS BABY! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS! MURDERER!", Mrs. Styles yelled. Jesy squeezed Jade's hand and gave her a kiss then sat in the podium. "This court is in session. Everyone sit down please and Mrs. Styles lawyer will ask the questions starting with Jessica", the judge said. "Hello Mrs. Nelson, are you willing to answer these questions?" "Y-yea." "Why did you kill Harry Styles?" "He was kidnapping and abusing my girlfriend, Jade." "OBJECTION!" "Mrs. Styles please sit down!" Jesy stared at Jade and smiled. "So your saying Harry abused Jade Thirlwall and your also saying that she's your girlfriend?" "Yes. My friends and I went on a search for her. She came out alive twice and was hospitalized once." "Jade Thirlwall, your next." She got up and walked towards Jade, "Good Luck."


"So Harry abused you?" "Twice, yes. I have some scars to prove it to you." She looked at the judge and he nodded. Everyone gasped as Jade pulled her shirt up. "He stabbed me right here and I thought I wasn't gonna make it." "Wait, your pregnant?", the judge asked. "Umm....yea. You couoldn't see the bump?" "Who made you pregnant? Is it Harry's baby?" "Uh...can I not answer that question? It has nothing to do with this case." "You have to." She looked at Jesy and her eyes widened. "All I can say is that it's not Harry's baby." "OBJECTION!" "SIT DOWN MRS.STYLES!" Jade felt a lump in her throat and wiped a tear. "Can I answer this question please?", Jesy asked. "You may speak." "It's mine actually. It's my child and if I tell my story again I hope you guys would believe me. I am telling the truth and I'll never lie to get myself out of trouble." "OBJECTION!" "THAT'S IT! SECURITY, TAKE MRS.STYLES OUT THE ROOM!" Jesy told the story over again and everyone nodded. "Jessica Nelson, you are not guilty for the murder of Harry Styles." She smiled and ran to Jesy. The room cleared out and Jade took Jesy's hand. "It's all over. Just like you said it would", she said putting her forehead on Jesy's. "Yeah. All over."

Jade walked in Perrie's hospital room and smiled. "Hey Jade." "How are you feeling?", Jade asked. "I'm fine." She lied down next to Perrie and put her head on her chest. "I saw you and Jesy on the news and in the newspapers." "We both look nice. I like holding her hand." She blushed and looked at Perrie. "I've been umm....waiting to tell you this..uh...never mind. It's not...important." "Ok. I see Niall visits you everyday." "He's adorable. Anything weird happen?" "Nothing at all. I just wanna go on with my life and forget about whoever this person is." "Mhm, I'm tired." Jade closed her eyes and heard footsteps approaching. "Jade...uh..hi." "Hey Jesy." "Umm....why are you in bed with her?" "I was uh...I was-." "I told her to come. Nothing serious." "Ok, that's the last straw Perrie. I don't care if your in the hospital, nobody gets to t-." "JESY! What the hell is wrong with you!?" "I-it's nothing. I'll meet you at home." She watched Jesy leave and followed her. "JESY!" "What?" "What was that all about in there?" "If you don't remember, then that's sad. That one thing I hate being the most. Do you know what it is?" "I-I." "I see. You don't know. I told you days or weeks ago!....Some girlfriend you are Jade. You don't know that one important part of me." She looked down and before she could speak, Jesy left.


Niall walked in the hospital, finding Jade sitting in a chair crying. "Hey Jade. What's up?" "Tell Perrie it's ok. I'm going somewhere." "Umm ok." He walked in Perrie's room and gave her flowers. "More flowers?", Perrie asked. "Yes. Oh uh Jade said it's  ok. What does that mean?" "It doesn't matter." "When are you getting out?" "One day. Then I can hang out with everyone. You, Jade." He nodded, "Ok. Well I can bring you a change of clothes." "Jade already did that for me." "Ok. Can I change the water for the flowers?" "Jade did that as well." "Is there anything I can do that Jade didn't do already?!" "You can kiss me." Niall shrugged, "Ok." He walked over to Perrie and gave her a kiss. "Can you do better than that?", she asked. "Actually I can but not now." "Are you leaving?" "Yeah. I have to do something. I can pick you up tomorrow." "Jade is doing that." He rolled his eyes and waved then walked outside.

ANONYMOUS: Is she in the hospital?

NIALL: Yeah. She's fine though.


NIALL: SO uh bye?

ANONYMOUS: Yea. Have a nice day Niall.


"Where is she?" A blue car appeared by hospital. "Wow Jade, nice car", Perrie said. "Thanks, my dad got it for me." She stepped inside and Jade started driving. "So how was the hospital?" "What a dumb question. Did you and Jesy make up?" "Not yet. She's sleeping in the couch now. I should say something to her but she won't talk to me." She smiled, "I'll be ok." Jade pulled over and blackened the windows. "What are you doing?", she asked. "I know you want this to happen to you now and I'm doing this now and only now." "Wait, huh?" Jade sighed and kissed Perrie. Perrie's eyes widened and she kissed back, slowly closing her eyes. "Holy. Shit. This is actually happening. IS this what it's like to have a 'Jade Make Out'? Shut up Perrie, you sound stupid.", she thought as she groaned a little. She felt Jade's hand go on her thigh, "Woah. Wow. I think she's liking this more than I am." Jade stopped, "That's it. Ready to go?" "W-wow. Jesy is really lucky to have you." "Yea. Now I feel..weird. It'll probably wear out for me soon anyways." Her heart sunk and she frowned. "Oh...ok." "Alright let's go."

*Wow, I wanna kiss somebody. Not a girl though.*

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